Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • Reply To: The PowerShell Array Removal

    saying an array is '0' based does not really illustrate the situation.  The index is a position offset. So the first element is at the allocated address and the second...

  • Reply To: Rounding Numerics

    Another QOTD where the explanation would only leave the inexperienced wondering...The correct response was to indicate the setting which would give an error but the explanation contradicts the answer...

  • Reply To: SQL MI Stop/Start Billing

    What should we do when the answers are flawed like this?  I also went for 9 hours because I assumed that was the intended correct response...

  • Reply To: Concatenating Dynamic SQL

    Yes,  I had to try it out to prove to myself that "SELECT @sql" wasn't some underhand feature I didn't know about but of course I got the 2 query...

  • Reply To: Changing the format for a date

    Thank you people - thought I'd lost the plot for a minute there.  Doesn't anyone review these questions before they are published?

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)