Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 469 total)

  • RE: Killing Statistics

    It won't lock the table but it could be a significant resource drain depending on the statistic that's being worked on. There may be other reasons to kill it...

  • RE: Killing Statistics

    Ninja's_RGR'us (4/29/2011)

    Maybe I missed it but I can't see a with async option on the create/update stats command. Does that mean that the setting is only at the...

  • RE: Killing Statistics

    Ninja's_RGR'us (4/29/2011)

    Even if by some accident you unintentionnally started update stats with fullscan on a 2 TB table, you could still kill your spid to stop it.

    It's asynchronous so I...

  • RE: Temporary Indexes

    blandry (4/29/2011)

    What we found was that on queries that fill large Datasets, we did see some improvement, but on smaller (or some medium) fills, the temporary indexes were actually slowing...

  • RE: Resource Governor Calculations

    Tom.Thomson (4/29/2011)

    Arrgh!! I see 36% got it wrong. I hope no-one feels too insulted by the above. But can it be true: 36% of SQLServerCentral subscribers are either...

  • RE: When To Hire a DBA

    If you have SQL 2005 or SQL 2008 and haven't looked at maintenance plans (in Object Explorer it's under Management then Maintenance Plans) take a look into those. It's...

  • RE: When To Hire a DBA

    george sibbald (4/28/2011)

    As to the real point of the article, hire someone when you don't have enough resources to fulfill the present and expected ongoing workload. IT's the managers job...

  • RE: When To Hire a DBA

    blandry (4/28/2011)

    To me, its simple - when we get our cars serviced, we don't see an engine expert AND an "interior specialist" - one who understands our engine, and another...

  • RE: Resource Governor Calculations

    I had to look at this a few times to make sure I wasn't missing something. I kept expecting the set max to need to be modified by something...

  • RE: Showing Its Age

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/27/2011)

    This is one place I'd like to see some govt standards. Make programs like PPT be able to save a particular format as a default....

  • RE: When a SQL file will not open in SSMS

    Have you tried looking for the registry key he mentioned? If that's there then maybe you have the problem that the other people were addressing instead of the one...

  • RE: Less Pay, More Convenience

    GilaMonster (4/26/2011)

    One of my current clients happily gave me domain admin first week there. VPN access second week. They phone and email whenever on days that I'm not supposed to...

  • RE: Less Pay, More Convenience

    nlaslett (4/26/2011)

    I disagree, and think you're using a different meaning of "trust".

    The kind of trust the original poster was talking about was the hard-to-quantify trust that you have a good...

  • RE: Type

    The last place I worked had a number of user defined types that were defined as not null. When working on cleanup or troubleshooting scripts where I pulled stuff...


    bitbucket-25253 (4/25/2011)

    One of the main objectives of the QOD is to teach/educate and that your QOD has certainly done.

    I agree with this. My comment about how the query could...

Viewing 15 posts - 361 through 375 (of 469 total)