Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1,831 through 1,837 (of 1,837 total)

  • RE: SQL Server 2005

    Ugh... yet another typically bad worded question. Technically there's a difference between a feature being disabled and not being setup.

  • RE: Index Question

    I believe that if you have a clustered index on the table the execution plan will always have to use it at some point. Having a non-clustered index on...

  • RE: I can not find SSIS to work with data

    If you're just trying to import a simple flat text file, you might be able to use the command line BCP tool or a BULK INSERT statement with the DATAFILETYPE...

  • RE: Insert Values into Multiple tables !

    If you're doing this in a stored procedure, and the key column of table 1 is an identity, then you can use the SCOPE_IDENTITY() function right after the INSERT INTO...

  • RE: Transposing data in sql 2005 - Pivot????

    FYI an actual pivot query for this would look like:

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT * FROM

    (SELECT DestinationID, Feature, Text from #T) t

    PIVOT (MAX(Text) FOR Feature IN ([Location], [Weather], [Beaches]))...

  • RE: Trying to modify this to be recursive using a CTE

    This isn't nearly as tidy code as yours, but I use this code regularly and it works quite nicely:

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE PROCEDURE #TSQL_Search (

    @SearchString VARCHAR(40)

    ) AS


    @SchemaName VARCHAR(128),

    @ObjectName VARCHAR(128),

    @ObjectType VARCHAR(128),

    @Definition VARCHAR(max),

    @CRLF CHAR(2),


  • RE: Sql Server Process in Task Manager

    When looking at Windows Task Manager, make sure you have "Show processes from all users" checked on the Processes tab. It will show up as sqlservr.exe on that tab.

Viewing 7 posts - 1,831 through 1,837 (of 1,837 total)