Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 61 total)

  • RE: Automation: Changing SQL Service Startup Parameters using T-SQL

    I recently had to deal with this for a puppet project. I dealt with it using the command line+powershell rather than SQL, but this is a cool approach.

  • RE: Is Your Data Relational?

    I work with Mongo daily, as well as MSSQL and MySQL and it's really just a question of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each technology. Mongo is a...

  • RE: Scripting

    "That's if I remember to document them well so I can easily search for what I need. "

    Source control. Everything.

  • RE: Developer Pressure

    We're mostly CI and being pushed strongly towards CD, and I am just starting to think through some of the challenges. DB changes are seen as a major block...

  • RE: What's in a name?

    OCTom (7/19/2013)

    Wait?!?!? It's not Notepad?!?!?


    The question specifies "in which -you- create BI solutions"

    So yeah, for me that would be notepad.:-P

  • RE: The DBA Database

    Yes. Used for storing performance history, job monitoring, various maintenance procs (our log shipping, index rebuild jobs, etc). Never leave home without it.

  • RE: Logical Operators

    L' Eomot Inversé (5/25/2012)

    lbrigham (5/24/2012)

    Add me to this list too. I answered OR having higher precedent than AND because it doesn't matter what the evaluation of one side of...

  • RE: RAID and Its impact on your SQL performance

    On RAID. I've heard inexpensive going back to the early 90's. Remember that back in the day 8x100 cost less than 1x800.

  • RE: Social Media and Interviews

    So let me see if I understand this. You are interviewing me for a SOX privileged user job and you want to know whether I will hand over a...

  • RE: Coding More Carefully

    Well, let's compare the programs of today, with the programs back then...

    Any questions?

    I know, you really liked edlin. 😎

  • RE: Stairway to SQL Server Indexes: Step 6, Bookmarks

    I liked the article, but I think the "which is better" section is a little misleading. There are lots of good reasons to prefer tables with clustered indexes that...

  • RE: The Age of Software

    This would have been less of an issue if Vista hadn't been such a colossal mess. But that forced most companies to skip an upgrade cycle. So this...

  • RE: Understanding Security

    In my last job doing public sector consulting, I saw a lot of our customers mandating encryption at rest for all databases without being able to even articulate the tradeoffs...

  • RE: Query Plans


  • RE: Less Pay, More Convenience

    I think that being flexible for some work at home times is great, and I would score points against a job offer where that wasn't included, but I'm not a...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 61 total)