Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 812 total)

  • RE: Filetable File Lengths


    Next month I want to start using filetable.

    I'm really curious.


  • RE: Column aliases

    Ed Wagner (9/2/2015)

    Stewart "Arturius" Campbell (9/2/2015)

    Methinks thisis going to turn into an interesting discussion.

    Thanks fot the question, Steve

    I'm thinking that your thinking is right. 😉

    I wonder if this counts as...

  • RE: Column aliases

    "String literals as column aliases" are a deprecated feature!

  • RE: Column aliases

    Louis Hillebrand (9/2/2015)

    3 or 9 depends how you define different...

    column AS alias

    column AS 'alias'

    column AS [alias]

    column alias

    column 'alias'

    column [alias]

    alias = column

    'alias' = column

    [alias] = column

    And I didn't use double quotes.


  • RE: Column aliases

    The right answer

    SELECT mynum AS test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT test = mynum

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT 'test' = mynum

    FROM dbo.myTable AS mt;

    SELECT mynum test

    FROM dbo.myTable AS...

  • RE: Mount Points

    david.gugg (9/1/2015)

    I guess I don't know what a mount point is well enough, but can't you get that information by looking at the file name and path in sys.master_files?

    That's a...

  • RE: Mount Points

    To get it for each db and files:

    declare @sql nvarchar(max) = 'select 0 as dbid,0 as fileid WHERE 0=1'

    SELECT @sql = @sql + '


  • RE: Best design for OLTP tables

    Very interesting!



    But in the real world, if Id is uniqueidentifier, how many splits of page will occur?



  • RE: Logical File Names

    BWFC (8/3/2015)

    Not only do none of the answers appear to be correct but the the explanation does not match the options.

    The correct answer is Query 2, with the MODIFY FILE...

  • RE: Global temporary table visibility

    I tested it. The qotd is right and also the answers are correct.

    I learned something new.

    I also tested placing a WITH(NOLOCK) on query 2 and 3, same results.

    Query 1:

    create table...

  • RE: Detecting Differences in Files on Servers

    Eirikur Eiriksson (7/30/2015)

    Thanks Ed for this fine piece, certain that it will be a very handy reference.



    Here, another dos command to list files, each column is separated by "*":

    @for /R...

  • RE: Database Mirroring Restrictions

    Hugo Kornelis (7/16/2015)

    Koen Verbeeck (7/15/2015)

    Meh, who cares about mirroring

    Perhaps, everyone who does not have the budget for Enterprise Edition?

    From BOL:

    If you are running an edition of SQL Server that does...

  • RE: Drop a temporal table

    I read about TEMPORAL TABLE just two weeks ago.

    Good qotd!


Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 812 total)