Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: T-SQL

    So .. do we get a bonus point because the QotD author got it wrong?

    Oh, I just did by posting!

  • RE: Extracting a Numeric Reference from a VARCHAR field

    I'm glad that this QOTD caused some deep thinking. It was prompted by a real-life problem, although it wasn't as constrained as I made it. The original input field was...

  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    Chris.Strolia-Davis (10/13/2008)

    All I am saying is that I don't see you actually using @SumA or @SumB in this query. They were declared, but don't seem to have been used. If...

  • RE: SUM of FLOAT inconsistency

    This is my first QotD, and I'm pleased that it's gone quite well. It was prompted by outrage at missing out on points for another QotD (Sep 23, 2008, Accessing...

  • RE: iFTS

    I could find no reference to the issue at,1968.html

    but there is at

    which states "The system stoplist is installed in the Resource database."

  • RE: Accessing and changing data 2008

    Just about the first things I learnt about floating point numbers (over 35 years ago) was a) never compare actual equality, and b) actual results that are equivalent algebraicly can...

  • RE: Counts Puzzle

    ian treasure (8/26/2008)

    Shouldnt this be





    (was ON C.VAL1 = D.VAL1)

    You must be like...


    Another of those 'it depends' answers, rather than a straight Yes/No.

    I got it right ('Yes'), but as I answered I wondered if the Q poser was going to have...

  • RE: Deterministic Functions

    GSquared (7/28/2008)

    The question is correct. Once the seed value is supplied, it's deterministic. Till then, it's not. The quibble is over how the seed value is supplied,...

  • RE: Deterministic Functions

    Ditto Ditto - the answer's quoted text is WRONG WRONG WRONG - or at least only partially correct/ very misleading! Gimme my point back! I happen to understand how this...

  • RE: Updating through cursors

    I used the following extract from BOL ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/udb9/html/7b28942f-252b-4448-88bc-dedbe53b0a82.htm (Changing Rows with Positioned Operations - Performing Positioned Updates with APIs) to kinda-guess the right answer.

    "After positioning in the cursor, execute...

  • RE: Reformat via query?

    Can't do. you can write some text there, but not in red

    I wondered how it was done (in earlier post in this thread), and it was explained. So, I've just...

  • RE: Reformat via query?

    I would have chosen the correct answer, except I can't think of how to type text to show in red the Messages tab. Can someone help me out with that?

  • RE: Resource Governor

    I suggest making the Q a bit less ambiguous.

    I got the wrong answer because I misunderstood the Q. I thought that the Resource Governor used the Performance Counters to...

  • RE: ALL

    pollockk (6/30/2008)

    Depends on whether the collation is case-sensitive or not. If it is the answer is 1...

    That's what I thought too, But the Q poser knew that, and knew that...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)