Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 152 total)

  • RE: Delete from Join Error..HELP !

    You should reference the first table twice:

    DELETE dbo.car_bdr

    from dbo.car_bdr JOIN dbo.CAR_master

    on (dbo.car_bdr.actionlocation = dbo.car_master.actionlocation and

    dbo.car_bdr.actionnum = dbo.car_master.actionnum

    and dbo.car_bdr.currentyear= dbo.car_master.currentyear

    and dbo.car_bdr.revision= dbo.car_master.revision)

  • RE: View Complete Timestamp in VB

    Here is some code that will do just what you need. It is based off the storage of the datetime with the fractional value being the time:

    Function GetMilliseconds(ByVal varDateTime...

  • RE: Problem with OLE Automation Calls to DTS Package

    How does the package fail? What errors are reported, if any?

  • RE: Wrong Data

    The problem with event dates is related to the problem that I discussed with the Note_Type_FK -- you need to check all cases. SO, add this to your query...

  • RE: Triggers and INSERTED

    This error happens when more than one record is in the Inserted table. This can easily happen on an Update trigger.

    For example, consider the statement:

    Update MyTable Set MyField =...

  • RE: dynamic t-sql update or insert statement

    I personally would use:

    If Exists (Select Col from Table where Col = @xxx)




  • RE: Wrong Data

    The trick here is in excluding all people with any record where note_type_fk = 29. Your current query will return people with note_type_fk = 29 if they also have...

  • RE: Cursor for Update

    Now, having said that, jpipes is mostly correct -- most things that are done with a Cursor can be done without one, and usually far more quickly. Contrary to...

  • RE: Cursor for Update

    If you do want to use a Cursor for updating, you will need to ensure that the cursor is updatable. Some queries will return cursors where the cursor is...

  • RE: adding a column to a target table...using DTS

    An SQL task at the end of the process should do what you want. Add a new task step, and add an SQL Statement like:

    ALTER TABLE MyTable Add gen_id...

  • RE: How much time each task takes

    Given your constraints, and excluding the manual run, you will need to add a logging task between each step of the package. This can be a simple SQL task...

  • RE: How much time each task takes

    Run the package manually from Enterprise Manager. This will allow you to look at the Start Time and Finish Time of each step in the Progress box (you can...

  • RE: Internal Query Processor Error:

    Just a quick question: Is the behavior different if you do not use SP_EXECUTESQL, e.g.:

    EXECUTE (@Command)

  • RE: Count (*)

    The way I prefer for this is to use a CASE statement, e.g.:

    SELECT Sum(Case When Column > 5 Then 1 Else 0 End) As GreaterThan5,


  • RE: Scheduled job fails with Dynamic properties task

    Also, you should look at this MS article on Security relating to running DTS packages:;EN-US;269074

    There are a number of things to check that can cause this type of...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 152 total)