Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)

  • RE: NUMA

    So which type of NUMA is used when dancing? I think I might need to ask my kids...

  • RE: Cascading Human Error

    dallas-1069889 (5/3/2011)

    While we are on the subject of cloud outages and human error, here's vmware's recent woes.

    April 26, 2011

    One of the action items from the previous day’s partial outage was...

  • RE: Cascading Human Error

    Your post reminded me of a great quote:

    The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the...

  • RE: Using OVER with an Aggregate Function

    Hugo Kornelis (11/4/2010)

    (If you take away the knowledge that you can use the OVER() clause for all aggregates except CHECKPOINT, that's fine. But if you intend to use this query...

  • RE: Using OVER with an Aggregate Function

    The existence of the Distinct in the query confused me, at first.

    The key to using the Over as opposed to doing a Group By is really when you want to...

  • RE: SQL Audit

    As I read the question I muttered under my breath, "I think that's configurable". So, when I was pleased when that was an answer choice.

    Thank you for submitting the question.

  • RE: How to aggregate / report data with different timezone in SSAS olap cube

    The other choice would be to only store offsets for various timezones. The trick is going to be striking the correct balance between storage and processing. It is somewhat similar...

  • RE: Encryption

    My first reading of the third option -- Useful in a targeted security environment -- made me think of a potential disadvantage.

    Targeted, in the answers, was referring to selecting which...

  • RE: Self joined table list

    Take a look at sys.foreign_keys. You will want to select records where the parent_object_id = referenced_object_id (means they are the same table)

    This link has a query which will get you...

  • RE: case statement puzzle

    Steve Jones - Editor (5/26/2010)

    This one reminds me of the fundamental concepts I learned in C. 0=false, 1=true.

    If you are saying that it chooses the first one because 1 =...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 - Rollup with distinct (Help)

    Here is something I put together. I added a RegionCode to your example just to see that the pattern would extend.

    Drop Table EmployeeLocation


    Create Table EmployeeLocation(

    RegionCode varchar(2) not null,

    StateCode varchar(2) not...

  • RE: Use Average (or other) MDX Function on Dimension Field

    You could always solve this in the ETL phase or in the Data View by exposing the Position as both a numeric value and as a foreign key to the...

  • RE: Answers to Your QOD

    I'm sensing a loophole if we all just cooperate. Since, by the answer, we have been granted responsibility for the correctness of the answer, we ought to all agree that...

  • RE: T-SQL

    This help page lists the logical operators ( including IN.

    I don't doubt that an entire clause containing IN is a predicate, but perhaps IN is the operator in...

  • RE: replicate

    The string being replicated must be a varchar(max) not the result string.

    Select Len(Replicate( Cast('#' as varchar(max)), 10000)) -- 10,000

    Select Len(Cast( Replicate( '#', 10000) as varchar(max) )) -- 8,000

    Seems like...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)