Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 76 through 89 (of 89 total)

  • RE: Concatenation of two columns with hyphen

    Check this... I think it will help you

    declare @a bigint

    declare @b-2 varchar(10)

    declare @C varchar(100)

    set @b-2 = 'test'

    set @a = 5


  • RE: Insert Statement not working

    That statement wont work.. ...

    You can insert using this statement

    Insert into tablesa(column1, column2)

    select column1, column2 from tableb

    The select statement can return many records... all records will be inserted in to...


    Just set the column as identity... set auto increment by 1...

    and starting from 50000001(which no. u want to start from ).

    It should not effect anything.. unless you have some constraint...

  • RE: trying to connect to sql server remotely.

    Check if the windows firewall is enabled. Also check the server gateway allows remote access. In surface area connection select both tcp/ip and named pipes.

  • RE: Primary key - Integer? or Varchar?

    The main reason for setting primary key as auto generated id is that the sql server only will handle the generation of the key... which will take care of the...

  • RE: can i improve performance in this query

    Yes Lowell is correct. You can use showplan... and check you are missing any index where you are joining. Try to find missing index.

    If you are running this...

  • RE: In which files does actually SQL Server store data?

    It will store the data in a mdf file, you can find the path the file by right click on the database -> properties -> Files .. there you...

  • RE: ssis foreach loop

    Use file system task... to get the list of files and loop for each file.. you can get search for the code which will fetches list of files available in...

  • RE: No local server names available when connecting to database engine

    Check database engine is running ... ie SQL server service is running in services from control panel... administration.... services.

    If not running.... start the service and check.

    If you are connecting from...

  • RE: query to a comma-separated text file

    Use bcp command to export to csv file. In bcp you can specify the delimeter which you want to use. It can be a comma(,), semicolon(;), pipe(|) anything. Also you...

  • RE: Difference between Saving Table And BAckup

    If you have changes in only one table why are u taking backup of the whole database... just take the backup of that table and store it with some tmp_[tablename]......

  • RE: Database maintenance plan

    For this I would recommend you to use SSIS package. You can easily create a SSIS package for this purpose.

    Search in SQL server Central, you may get a package ready...

  • RE: SQL Script consolidator

    Its better user batch files. Normally we run scripts using batch files.

    There is one utility called osql (older one for sql 2000 & 2005),

    now isql (from 2005 onwards) used...

  • RE: Query Tuning in TSQL

    If you have more records (highly transactional ) you should go for temp tables.

    I feel it is good to use temp tables in this scenario since

    1. You have large...

Viewing 14 posts - 76 through 89 (of 89 total)