Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • Reply To: Managed Instance Impressions

    We migrated to SQL MI from SQL Server 2014 on VMs around 2022 and we were really happy with it. We had a few minor SQL Server Agent jobs that...

  • Reply To: The On-Call Load

    About 10 years ago, I worked on the Microsoft Exchange team for a hospital. The helpdesk was severely undermanaged. Combine that with certain doctors who felt like they were gods,...

  • Reply To: An Experimental Mindset

    Hi Jeff, I wasn't trying to be controversial or upset anyone, so I apologize if it came off that way. As I said in my post, a lack of curiosity...

  • Reply To: An Experimental Mindset

    I agree with every single word of this. One of my hardest challenges working with colleagues is how to handle people who have no curiosity about their chosen profession. This...

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by  bperry 32054.
  • Reply To: Am I Good At My Job?

    I love this topic! I'm more of a platform infrastructure person, but I've had to dip into data projects from time to time (which is why I subscribe to this...

  • Reply To: Projects To Showcase Your Skills

    Thomas hit the nail on the head. I'd hazard to guess that even with all the recent layoffs in tech, there's still way more demand than supply across the US...

  • Reply To: Being Responsible for Data

    I find this court case fascinating because the specifics are whether Google actually put their thumb on the scale by having AI suggest content. I think section 230 has...

  • Reply To: Back to Basics

    In a less academic way, I've noticed that a lot of younger professionals have very little understanding of the Windows command prompt (or DOS prompt, as I still say). Even...

  • Reply To: You're not really that good at SQL Server

    I totally agree. I would add that sometimes it's the frame of reference that is important. Many people do not have the humility to properly judge their own skill level....

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)