Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)

  • RE: Just a little help required

    Thanks Ray, its actually the syscolumns/sysobjects table that i need to qualify and it doesn't seem to like having variables in the from clause.  I'm having a play with the...

  • RE: Append to File

    This may or may not help you, but if you export to a .xls file then the data appears to be appended rather than replaced.

  • RE: difference between sp_who and syslogins

    OK, after using xp_logininfo i've found out what i need to know. 

    I tried running the above xp using the login i saw in the process list i.e xp_logininfo 'domain1\user1'...

  • RE: Am having trouble reading from a temporay table.

    As long as you only open the connection once i would have thought it would be ok.

    Also, i don't think you need the IF EXISTS bit at the top.  Temp...

  • RE: Am having trouble reading from a temporay table.

    Glad to have helped, I've learnt so much from this site its always nice to be able put something back in to it.


  • RE: Am having trouble reading from a temporay table.

    In your 3 sections you have 3 seperate con.execute which i'm guessing is creating a seperate connection to SQL Server each time.  When declaring a #temp table i believe it...

  • RE: Duplicate login in sysxlogins

    Ah, is this to do with linked servers?

  • RE: Update function

    Looking at the DDL for schedule the scheduleid column isn't defined with Identity so it won't generate a new number.

    I can see the relationship between class and branch, i assume...

  • RE: Update function

    Is the schedule table currently empty and you just want to populate it with all current classid's from class?

    If so then

    insert into schedule (classid)

    select classid from class

    would do it


  • RE: Get value from a stored proc

    wow, that was quick guys!

    I was almost there, so close!

    Unfortunately we're still running v7.



  • RE: Creating Dot Net Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2005

    The path works for me by the looks of it, i just installed the framework with the defaults.  The logit function is in the code isn't it:

         Public Shared Sub...

  • RE: Business Intelligence Studio

    I thought it should be there.  I installed the CTP from a download from microsoft, presumably this is the same as on the CD?



  • RE: Views for users

    I think i'll have to ask for a lockable office rather than my cubicle.  Do they do DBA relocation programmes where they change your identity?  Thats the first server i've...

  • RE: Views for users

    They are indeed our production databases.  I'm going to come up with a different solution for anyone who needs to access live or semi live data on an ad-hoc basis. ...

  • RE: Views for users

    If that was the case then i'd be a little happier!  Time for a review of the security and peoples needs i think.  They've not had a DBA here before...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)