Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 70 total)

  • RE: The Future of Knowledge Work

    Much more productive at home.  Mostly because I'm physically comfortable.  How many offices will pay for a $1000 recliner?  When my skilled trades friends visit when I'm working, they're always...

  • RE: Problem with filters

    By the way, the reason this occurs, according to some of the threads, is that Access tries to "help" you with this by saving the filter value when you open...

  • RE: Problem with filters

    I googled this using serverfilter and this is the best answer I've seen.  I've run into this before and I just clicked the filter button twice and it "fixes" it,...

  • RE: datetime datatype problem

    you're right.  It's user defined functions that aren't allowed to be used as defaults.  My bad.


  • RE: datetime datatype problem

    I don't think you can use functions as defaults, either.



  • RE: SQL Code syntax

    shouldn't it be:

     " and Person_ID =" & Person_ID


    I think the error message came from not having an equal sign (=) AND not having the space.

  • RE: I need to help to figure this out-->Rename files

    Here's what I use to make the month/day/year.

    strYear = right(year(date()),2)

    strDay = right("0" & cstr(day(date())),2)

    strMonth = right("0" & cstr(Month(date())),2)

    Then in one fell swoop, I concatenate all three of these strings to...

  • RE: DTSLookups Array is null ?

    I hope you didn't take my answer as though I was insulting you.  I truly hope you CAN add a field.  Otherwise, you'd be like one of the "users" people like...

  • RE: Problem transfering date data from Oracle to SQL Server

    Since most databases use their own definitions of what constitutes a date, you'd be better off converting the Oracle date to a string and then converting that string to a...

  • RE: Updating Running fields

    A bigger sample of data would have  been clearer.


    I believe what you're wanting is :

    Select a, b, c, d from table





    Is that what you were talking about?  The fourth column...

  • RE: Any alternatives for avoiding Cursors... ?

    Hi Subhash,


    Great Plains huh?  I've worked with them since version 3.15 and most of their legacy code is still written like they are using Btrieve.   All of their examples use...

  • RE: Errors with Cursor in Stored Procedure

    The problem that I see is that you don't have the field ZoneCombo listed in your cursor's select statement.  


    You use the OF keyword to limit the updating to specific...

  • RE: DTSLookups Array is null ?

    In general, lookups are performance killers in DTS packages.

    If I were using DTS against millions of records, I'd not use a lookup.  Could you add the foundkey in your source...

  • RE: Fixing Data with DTS

    You would benefit from a performance perspective if you created a separate connection for your lookup.   Have you tried creating another connection and using that for your lookup?

  • RE: Dynamic insert in stored proc

    Is the type1 table in the same server.database from which you're executing the stored proc?  It sounds like the table doesn't exist in that database.



Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 70 total)