Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 67 total)

  • RE: Question re: Begin Tran / Commit Tran

    Now I would like to confirm one thing before I remove the cursor and Select from INSERTED :

     When my single-row updates hit the FXO_CCY table, remember that they are coming in...

  • RE: Question re: Begin Tran / Commit Tran

    Here's the full trigger code on table FXO_CCY. Let me point out that the table name is FXO_CCY and the cursor defined below was also given the same name 'FXO_CCY' (for...

  • RE: Question re: Begin Tran / Commit Tran


     Thank you for your response.

     The READ UNCOMMITTED is probably not needed at that level since I already have the READ UNCOMMITTED in other procedures. I basically added the Dirty...

  • RE: Question re: Begin Tran / Commit Tran

    I have a non-clustered index on CUR_1 + CUR_2 on that Fxo_Ccy currency table; and the table contains only about 60 records .

    I suppose I could do the Convert() in the...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation

    Okay. Just one more question so I don't turn this into a year-long chat, thereby driving you crazy.

    Recoding this as this point is not realistic. We have some improved code...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation

    Interesting idea on the table view. I'm one of two coders on this system, actually, and still learning some of the more in-depth areas of sql 2k. Our desktop app...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation


     I would love nothing better than to ditch the complex triggers, as you well put it. The main issue here is that the traders have an order view open on...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation

    A single-rec update occurs on FXO_CCY which triggers a mult-rec update on ORDER_FX. ORDER_FX trigger now fires, then opens a cursor for these updated records. We loop thru each record,...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation

    The trigger on the FXO_CCY rate table (abridged version) is :

    ALTER  trigger [tr_fxo_ccy] on [fxo_ccy]

    After Update, Insert


    set lock_timeout 3   --10 BM 11/29/06 --30000 -- waits 30 seconds for another transac. to...

  • RE: Table Lock Escalation

    To just follow up with some specific code, here's what our Rate Trigger basically does :

           update order_fx WITH (ROWLOCK) set act_code = 'FXO_CCY'

              where (cur_1 = @cur_1 and...

  • RE: Log files are getting huge

    These two steps always works for me in Sql 2000 (backup log then shrink it):

    BACKUP log <myDatabaseName> WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY

    dbcc shrinkfile('myDatabaseLogName')




  • RE: Problem with nested triggers


     We found the problem. We had logic to RETURN in the event of a NEW ORDER. So we are okay now.

    Thank you,


  • RE: Data Contention - How do I solve it ?

    Thank you Gail.

    My CONTIG our main orders table shows :

    DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'ORDER_FX' table...

    Table: 'ORDER_FX' (1504177300); index ID: 0, database ID: 7

    TABLE level scan performed.

    - Pages Scanned................................: 22

    - Extents Scanned..............................:...

  • RE: Data Contention - How do I solve it ?

    I started to redesign my logic when getting a new order number so as not to set mode to Serializable.

    In terms of table/index scans, how can I know if scans...

  • RE: Data Contention - How do I solve it ?

    First, the order is inserted into a Sql 2000 database. We are using SQLCONNECT( ) and SQLEXEC() is most cases; in many cases we use the VFP 8.0 CursorAdapter class...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 67 total)