Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 241 through 255 (of 2,756 total)

  • Reply To: High Cardinality

    @graham.hitchings - A unique column will have high cardinality too based on the link in the QOTD. It states:

    An example of a data table column with high-cardinality would...

  • Reply To: Projects To Showcase Your Skills

    Just wanted to add to Thomas Franz's third paragraph - from my experience, when people are being let go, it is SOMETIMES based on how important and how good they...

  • Reply To: copy or duplicate a folder in SSRS web portal

    As far as I know, there is no way to do that. The best solution I know of is to make a new folder and push the files over manually...

  • Reply To: Basic query performance

    If it is "results to screen", it is more likely the rendering on screen that is the slowness and not the data retrieval/download process and in that case, an indexed...

  • Reply To: Basic query performance

    ALSO I am not saying "don't use indexed views", I am saying test it. Even just adding 1 index will impact INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE performance (and can impact SELECT...

  • Reply To: Basic query performance

    Just a heads up about indexed views - in SQL Server Standard, indexed views must be explicitly requested to use the index. In enterprise the query optimizer will use the...

  • Reply To: SQL Window Functions Series: NTILE()

    Just wanted to add, I liked the article. I wasn't trying to criticize it, especially since I've never had the guts to post one on here. I just wanted clarification...

  • Reply To: Basic query performance

    Another thing that ties into what Grant said - if this is SSIS, those 22M rows are likely trying to be stored in memory. If you don't have enough memory...

  • Reply To: SQL Window Functions Series: NTILE()

    I am slightly confused by the last example - Integrating NTILE with RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), LAG(), and LEAD(). You have both LAG and LEAD partitioned by EmployeeId and EmployeeID is unique...

  • Reply To: Visual studio 2019 hangs when open excel data source

    Another thing it COULD be is do you have that excel file open in any other tool (Excel for example)? If it is on a shared drive, is the excel...

  • Reply To: Being A Bit Less Comfortable in 2024

    Good advice... do something out of my comfort zone... RELEASE DIRECTLY TO PROD!!!

    Just kidding. My goal is to get back into photography. I kind of dropped out of that for...

  • Reply To: SQL2019 ODBC Connection from Linux setup help.

    Stepping away from TLS being the issue, can you run the isql command with the -v parameter? This will give you verbose output and will tell you EXACTLY what is...

  • Reply To: Memory Usage data capture

    Cyrusbaratt, I am a bit confused why you say that monitoring tools slow things down then suggest Idera, which is a 3rd party monitoring tool (plus a ton of other...

  • Viewing 15 posts - 241 through 255 (of 2,756 total)