Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 301 total)

  • RE: The DBA of the Future

    For over 20 years one of my pet peeves and complaints has been that the term (or acronym) "DBA" has never had a solid definition. I still go into...

  • RE: SQL Injection Everywhere

    There was a news story this weekend reporting that distracted driving is becoming an epidemic in the country. There was an increase of 13,000 additional car accidents all attributed...

  • RE: Social Networking Prowess

    For decades in my career I belonged to various User Groups. Most of the time these were valuable gatherings, while in some limited cases they were a waste of...

  • RE: How To Fix Connect

    Strange timing that you should post this editorial now...

    We are in the midst of working with one of the largest organizations in the United States (I am not at liberty...

  • RE: The Chance of Failure

    "Hope for the best, plan for the worst..."

    Generally good advice if you are talking about sizable companies, data centers and the like, but in one's personal life (if you are...

  • RE: What Differentiates Enterprise?

    I think you gave the best answer to the general question right in your editorial...

    "In my mind, I'd like to see SQL Server priced on scale, and not on features..."


  • RE: Hacking Data

    In the late 1970's I had a professor who said:

    You have to accept that as long as there are technical "advances" made, there will be those who try to break,...

  • RE: Quality Over Timing

    As a big Sci-Fiction fan, one of the things I hate with a passion is how any movie with computers (and software) in it always shows things working perfectly. ...

  • RE: Slow Fixes

    Yes, true - but you don't go out each year and buy the same car in a different color with a dealer telling you its a "new model". And...

  • RE: Slow Fixes

    Actually, if you really think about it, how insane are we all to put up with patching at all? What other industry, let alone software company, do you know...

  • RE: Bad IT People

    Good editorial Steve, but a point not mentioned...

    I have had two major incidents in my career where people I hired turned out to be, well, criminals. In one case...

  • RE: Flawed Trigger in SQL 2005

    Lowell, Thanks - I kind of presumed that was what was behind it - but I really appreciate you spelling that out. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and expertise!

  • RE: Flawed Trigger in SQL 2005

    Thanks to all you guys for your replies! Very VERY helpful!

    In the particulars - Yes, my Config table has (and will forever have) only one row.

    I see the error...

  • RE: OldSQL

    I think if you look at the bigger picture, incidents like this are intended to do one thing - bring Microsoft more revenue.

    In my decades in the software business the...

  • RE: Cloud Hacking

    What you are pointing out today, is the axiom that has gotten lost in technology over these last decades, and that is "Just because we can do something, should we...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 301 total)