Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,166 through 3,180 (of 3,220 total)

  • RE: Null Value Check against dynamic columns

    Thank you Antares686 I stand corrected. Fishing for some goodness from my post ... I am guessing that it got you to post yours and yours does work...

  • RE: Null Value Check against dynamic columns

    Far from being an expert, but good at culling the best or what I believe are the best features from the experts input.

    How about this for a start - I...

  • RE: TTYL

    Working for a government contractor I have come to believe that the abbreviations, acronyms, jargon is a mechanism for some to hide what they do. Least you the outsider...

  • RE: read statements

    Gotten from someone who is smarter than I am and generously posted this to SQL Server Central

    Run sp_who2 to obtain the user's SPID value

    Then run DBCC INPUTBUFFER(55) ...

  • RE: Open Enrollment

    If my memory does not fail me, way way back in the early 80's the "Red Roof Inns" corporate hdqrs had outside tennis courts, a sauna room, and an exercise...

  • RE: Another story published!!!

    Wonderful to see an individual with your proven qualifications in SQL, having a life outside of technology. It should prompt all of us techies to widen our outlook of...

  • RE: TSQL Lab I - Playing around with ROW_NUMBER

    Attempted to run a modified sql1 (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;DATABASE=c:\temp\items.xls', 'Select * from [items$]')


    SELECT * FROM items

    Ran using SQL 2000 Query Analyzer with the following results:

    Server: Msg 7399,...

  • RE: Sponsored Content

    As one who has learned a great deal from this site, and thirsts for more knowledge, the sponsored discussions sound like just what is needed. From those, we just...

  • RE: Missing Sequence

    Rough and crude but seems to answer the question:

    SELECT Count(Code)AS 'Count of Code entries',Code, Max(Pri)AS 'Max Pri', Min(pri) AS 'Min Pri',

    Cast(Max(Pri) AS Int) - CAST(Min(Pri)AS Int)+ 1 AS 'Diff'

    FROM Table1


  • RE: Select query output to a table

    From BOL

    The SELECT subquery in the INSERT statement can be used to add values into a table from one or more other tables or views. Using a SELECT subquery also...

  • RE: Sub Newbie question

    OK,OK tell us who got the box???

  • RE: Hourly Rate?

    Try this site: 


  • RE: SQL server accessed as file system?

    Using VB 6

    In Project References include:

    Microsoft OLE DB Service Component 1.0 Type Library

    Input the following code in the form open sub

    Dim Cnn_String as String 

        Set objMSDAC = New MSDASC.DataLinks

        Cnn_String = objMSDAC.PromptNew


  • RE: Who Can Program?

    Not wanting to be a kill joy, but it is obvious that Bill Gates is vocalizing wishful thinking .... or Microsoft hires and continues to employ not so great programmers...

  • RE: More than 10 Pages to Excel

    May or may not be helpful .. assuming that you are exporting the data to a new Excel Workbook ... have you gone into Excel and set the value for...

Viewing 15 posts - 3,166 through 3,180 (of 3,220 total)