Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,151 through 3,165 (of 3,220 total)

  • RE: CSV file creation

    Some points to look out for when creating the SP or just executing the OpenRowset command shown below.

    1. Be sure the text file being accessed does exist on the...

  • RE: 3709-The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context

    Have run into this problem a few times when using VB in the application and found it to be due to:

    1. On some path such as


  • RE: SQL SERVER 2005 Management Studio

    Using SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)

    Expand databases

    1. Right click on database name

    2. On drop down menu select Tasks

    3. On next drop down menu select Generate Scripts

    The Script...

  • RE: Hot-Add Memory

    Here we go again with a poorly worded question:


    "Hot Add Memory requires SQL Server Enterprise Edition and is only available for 64-bit SQL Server,

    and for...

  • RE: More Layers

    In response to Joe Clifford's comment "the business of delivering ice cream, nothing fancy and they have very little control over what their clients will order from day to day...

  • RE: Hot-Add CPUs

    Wasn't the possible answer rather abbreviated: I suggest what is really required is:

    A 64-bit system that supports hot-add CPU


  • RE: how to fiind data inside of a string

    This might be of use to you

    CREATE PROCEDURE Dbo.Parse_Charfieldforavalue_02

    @HayStack VARCHAR(200),

    @Find VARCHAR(50)


    DECLARE @Here Int

    DECLARE @There Int

    DECLARE @TheNeedle VARCHAR(200)

    SET @Here = 0

    SET @There = LEN(RTRIM(@HayStack))

    SET @Here...

  • RE: Importance of UPSERT


    Thanks for waking most of us up, and getting us to think and review the habits we have fallen into .. not only with the use...

  • RE: What T-SQL commands exist which can be used in Query Analyzer to export a select statement within a stored procedure?

    Referring to BOL OPENROWSET

    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Text;Database=D:\MSSQL\','SELECT * FROM Test.txt')

    SELECT column01,column02, FROM yourtablename -- this is your select statement

    Note: The file you want to write to must be located on...

  • RE: A New MVP

    Congratulations Steve - you have worked hard for all of us, and now Microsoft is recognizing your efforts.

    Congratulations on...

  • RE: Get columns from query analyser HELP !

    Use Excel itself to import the data as:

    Open EXCEL

    In main menu click "Data"

    In drop down menu click "Import External Data"

    In next drop down menu click "Import Data"

    Select data source window...

  • RE: Protocols

    Steve Jones - Editor (12/30/2007)

    All answers have been marked correct.

    More than I expected, and more than we deserve, no matter let me say thank you.

    Now what are you...

  • RE: Protocols

    Agree with the fact that the question is not properly phrased for what it considered the correct answer.


  • RE: A New Year

    I will turn 76 in the second quarter of 2008 and my work resolution is to keep on learning.

    My personal resolution is to live healthy and make it to the...

  • RE: Get Parameter Name

    This will retrieve a bit more info about SP parameters

    select 'SP name' =, ParamName=, DataType =,

    c.Length, Direction = case c.isoutparam


Viewing 15 posts - 3,151 through 3,165 (of 3,220 total)