Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: SSIS variable file names

    The following will return a date/time when put in an expression in SSIS.

    (DT_STR, 4, 1252)DATEPART("yyyy", @[System::ContainerStartTime]) +

    RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252)DATEPART("mm", @[System::ContainerStartTime]), 2) +

    RIGHT("0" + (DT_STR, 2, 1252)DATEPART("dd",...

  • RE: How to split datafiles of a Database in to two

    Can anyone help? How to split 4TB database from one datafile into (8)multiple data files? I have created a new database with 8 .mdf and one .ldf on a...

  • RE: Error 208: Invalid object name ''msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers''

    Our OS hardware had problem, we reinstalled SQL, then drop the

    distributor database, ... had problem, got error: Invalid object name

    'msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208)

    here is what...

  • RE: Error 208: Invalid object name ''msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers''

    Our OS has problem, we reinstalled SQL, then drop the distributor database, ... had same problem

    error: Invalid object name 'msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208)

    here is what I did,...

  • RE: Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16

    I had same problem

    "Login failed for user 'sa' [CLIENT: IP_address]

    error 18456, security 14, state 16"

    I have check all online results, no answer.

    Recently, we installed Spotlight 2.5, and it...

  • RE: DB Maintenance Plan fails routinely.

    Dear all:

    I have this problem as well.

    From Server Report I got the Following Jobs have failed:

    DB Backup Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'DB Maintenance Plan' Last...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)