Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 302 total)

  • RE: Multiple excel files to be transfered to Database

    Scorpion. Can u please post the script and also let me know where can I find it.

    Thanks a lot

  • RE: DTS failed

    Wow, I changed the registry setting and it's working now.

    You guy's are great.

    Thanks a lot.

  • RE: DTS failed

    Thanks for your reply,

    It's not a length problem. I changed F10 filed to varchar(8000) and still getting an error.

    I cannot get rid of Excel file as a source because...

  • RE: conversion from varchar to int

    I have solved the problem. I have created a function based on your script which will solve the decimal problem.

    CREATE FUNCTION StrToNumber(@string varchar(100))

    RETURNS varchar(100)



    declare @i int

    declare @location int

    declare @stringf varchar(100)


  • RE: conversion from varchar to int

    If I use this in a float data type I get confusing result.


  • RE: conversion from varchar to int

    You are the man.

    Thanks buddy.

  • RE: Variable has a limitation

    let's say there is a SP called Get_executive_id which has one parameter called exec_name varchar(8000) and this SP returns record set of executive ID.

    for example.

    get_executive_id @exec_name

    I am getting an input...

  • RE: Variable has a limitation

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have created Stored Procedure which has a parameter and can accespt more than 8000 character.

    for example

    StoreProcedure name ('tt,tt1,tt2,tt3')

    the paramter values is coming from ASP program...

  • RE: cannot access function

    Sorry, I got the answer.

    Actually, I should use the function like this.

    Select * from dbo.collaborator('1,2,3')

    Because the return values are in table.

  • RE: Passing delimeted string into table

    Thanks buddy

  • RE: Parameter in DTS package

    Thanks Michael,

    I think ActiveX is the only way to pass the value in the parameter.

    Thanks for your help.

  • RE: removing blank spaces

    Try like this.

    create table t1(

    col1 char(15))

    insert into t1 values ('abc'+char(9)+char(9))

    select len(col1) from t1

    drop table t1

  • RE: Parameter in DTS package

    Then how can we pass the value through parameter.

    let's say , I put the following query in the SQL TASK.

    select * from tablename where field = ?

    and then I assign...

  • RE: Problem running procs during business hours

    I think you should make two temp. tables ,one is for records exists (existRecords) and other one is for not exists. (NotExistsRecords)

    Join the temp. table existRecords with your table and...

  • RE: sp_lock

    Normally , i see if any process (SPID) is blocking by another process. If so than I kill that process.

    I look field BLK in sp_lock stored procedure.

Viewing 15 posts - 286 through 300 (of 302 total)