Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 302 total)
I disable the replication and Distribution database is gone.
Thanks for all your help.
Special thanks to David.
July 17, 2008 at 12:20 pm
How about if i try like this.
sp_configure 'allow updates', 1
reconfigure with override
UPDATE master..sysdatabases SET category = 0 where name='distribution'
and then delete the distribution database.
July 17, 2008 at 10:00 am
Sorry about that.
Thank you Jeffrey.
July 16, 2008 at 10:44 am
Steve.. Thanks a lot.
I like your idea of denying connection to sql server. Here is the TSQL I am going to use. I will deny connection for all the users...
July 15, 2008 at 3:06 pm
Steve.. It's a AD group account in SQL Server. The reason I am trying to disable these user account because I don't want any user to connect to the server...
July 15, 2008 at 11:57 am
Account has folllowing rights
I checked the domain name and it's correct. I can disable all the logins except NT Group Logins.
July 15, 2008 at 10:42 am
Individual logins are there.
July 14, 2008 at 3:52 pm
I found a weird issue. I backed up database from sql 2000 server and restore on sql 2005 server. This weird table does not exists on sql 2000 but somehow...
July 11, 2008 at 5:41 pm
the weird thing is I backed up the database from SQL 2000 and restore on SQL 2005. This table does not exists in SQL 2000 database but somehow got...
July 11, 2008 at 5:22 pm
That is not a temp table. It's a real table with # in the begning.
July 11, 2008 at 3:28 pm
Actually, Some Analytical users are using this database and they create whatever they want.
I have removed the dbo prefix but still getting an error.
drop table #tablename
July 11, 2008 at 11:28 am
I tried but no luck. Looks like AD group login has issue. Actually, what I was tyring to do is to disable some logins for particular time so that process...
July 9, 2008 at 10:41 am
I tried using [ ] but getting following error.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot alter the login 'SUTTER-CHS\SC.IT_Data_&_Web_Services', because it does not exist or you do not have...
July 8, 2008 at 9:01 am
I have figured out the issue.
The query I was using was like that.
Select * from serverName.DatabaseName.dbo.[tablename]
but the table name had space at the end like this [tableName ] so I...
July 1, 2008 at 10:28 am
I think Ahmed misunderstood the previous reply, it was Mani not me, we both are singh that is why you got confused.
June 26, 2008 at 12:18 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 302 total)