Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 337 total)

  • RE: SQL denied wiht SMB ports not 1433

    I read that and some other things on those ports. I have NamedPipes and TCP/IP set up for this server. According to the firewall logs it appears to be conecting...

  • RE: Mysteriously Deleting Record

    Normal Users don't have permission within our VB app to update this row (only I would as admin). I was not in that table at all. I was however running test...

  • RE: Convert COUNT to decimal

    Thanks Remi that worked well. I also tried this and it worked:



    NoteCount,OrderCount,convert (decimal (8,2),((NoteCount/OrderCount)*100)) as Percentage,o.First_Name,o.Last_Name

    from v_MTSTM_ORDERCOUNT o JOIN v_MTSTM_NOTECOUNT n ON o.last_name = n.last_name


    I'll have to practice...

  • RE: subtraction of column doesn''''t work correctly

    Thanks Jeff I changed the column to a decimal in the table but I am still having the same problem. Should I format the Profit column that gets created in the query? Does...

  • RE: subtraction of column doesn''''t work correctly

    The view I pull off of v_MTSTM_ProfitLoss actually converts the table datatype of FLOAT to a SMALLMONEY (columns Carrier_Pay and Customer_Charges). There are no nulls at all.

  • RE: Defrag/Re-Index

    Frank thanks for the query.  I used that in place of my join that I wrote









    from sysobjects o INNER JOIN sysindexes i

    ON =

  • RE: Defrag/Re-Index

    Actually I have another question. Not that I don't like to research myself it's just I am up to my elbows in white papers and other documentation. 

    I would like...

  • RE: Defrag/Re-Index

    I just relized I posted this in the Yukon section! I have 2000 I guess they are close enough (don't throw anything!)

    Thanks for the responses, I'll check into them both....

  • RE: Multiple Column Join

    Aaron you pretty much nailed it. The xref is a table that contains entries that can be used to describe customers (ie Shipper,Bill To,Carrier, or locations state,city,country codes) so in the directory...

  • RE: General Network Error with Backups

    OK, I had a chance to reboot the whole server this morning. So far so good everything is back to normal. (Glad I waited before installing a hotfix for MDAC...

  • RE: General Network Error with Backups

    Thanks Trigger for your reply. I am a one man IT Dept and nothing has changed. I only restarted the server service and then started the agent. Then all jobs...

  • RE: Create Colored Text in an SQL generated Email

    Thanks for the replies. I'll play around with it a bit. I figured you can do pretty much anything with SP's just figured I'd ask.

  • RE: Identical simultaneaous Full and Trans Log Backups??

    Wesley, the database is small - it takes 26 secs to backup locally and 1:16 to backup remotely. I have now a third hurricane to prepare for and tape backup...

  • RE: Identical simultaneaous Full and Trans Log Backups??

    Wesley what I wanted to do is 3 Full backups every 8th hour (same database to different devices) simultaneuosly and then trans log backups every hour inbetween. Not Full and...

  • RE: Restore from Media Set

    I Figured it out!!!  This is what I needed to do:

    Restore Database MTS_AVB1

    From DISK = '\\Brokerage135\c$\bkg\sqldata\MTS_TEST3',

     DISK = '\\Brokeragesql\f$\backup\mts\MTS_TEST2',

     DISK = '\\AVB1\c$\msde\backup\MTS_TEST'

    WITH MOVE 'MTS_dat' TO 'c:\msde\data\MTS.mdf',

     MOVE 'MTS_log' TO 'c:\msde\data\MTS.ldf',



    you have to...

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 337 total)