Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 161 total)
Oh, I don't know. I imagine the bus ride between gigs was probably a lot of fun. Especially if the bass player was willing to share whatever he was on!!...
December 12, 2006 at 4:53 pm
Ah! So, you have the [?xml ...] node above the vCard node. If that's the case then "vCard" is your root node, not FN. Try changing your search to /FN...
October 11, 2006 at 10:44 am
Add a root node between [vCard xmlns=""]
and [FN]Bill Gates[/FN].
Steve G.
October 11, 2006 at 9:41 am
Now that's something I can understand. I'm actually a senior IT kinda guy (been programming for 20 years) but I work for a decidedly non-IT department. Management really doesn't know...
October 10, 2006 at 11:18 am
Everyone here needs to take a deep breath..
IN ...
OUT ...
OK, Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get a little more accurate information. Why was my program...
October 6, 2006 at 8:54 pm
For what this is doing, yes, 11 minutes is very fast...
Steve G.
October 6, 2006 at 9:29 am
>> vbscrip or javascript runs about the same.
Which is why I write in C#. I had a program that took 5 hours to run. Rewrote it in C# (.NET 2.0)...
October 5, 2006 at 9:47 am
P.S. Double ditto on the CPU utilization in Firefox.
Steve G.
September 11, 2006 at 3:35 pm
If you want to have a single key for each customer that can be used everywhere, then you'll need a separate customers table. Something like:
create table customers
customerid int...
September 8, 2006 at 9:53 am
I've been struggling with the new adverts this morning: They keep hanging up Firefox. Can't close Ff, can't scroll the window, can't do much of anything, but the 'bent corner'...
September 7, 2006 at 12:08 pm
We passed on SA when we purchased a SQL Server 2k license a while back for the simple reason that the cost of the SA was *more* than the already...
August 18, 2006 at 12:33 pm
I think you're right about the wildcard character. "File.Exists" does a test for existance on one file, and (I believe - haven't tested it) doesn't interpret the wildcard character as...
August 16, 2006 at 12:00 pm
Lets start with the simple stuff... Does your path have a terminal slash? Appending the file name w/o the slash will result in never finding the file.
Steve G.
August 11, 2006 at 4:01 pm
Are you using Windows logins or SQL (old style) logins? IF this was SQl 2000 I'd say "you must use SQL logins" to do linked queries - and it may...
July 14, 2006 at 3:30 pm
Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 161 total)