Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 161 total)

  • RE: How do I allow remote access via an SSL certificate?

    One more solution to throw into the mix: Remove SQL server from direct I-net access, but allow access through VPN connections. There are some very good VPN appliances out there...

  • RE: Error when selecting from a view

    I'll go ahead and ask the dumb question: What changed between when the view was working and when it stopped?

  • RE: Diaries and Scheduling

    ... and don't forget to include building stored procedures in your design effort! Yes, these may change once your database design hits the 'real world' of developers, but by having...

  • RE: Coverting Date formats

    Actually, I'd go the other way. Convert the varchar columns to datetime fields. This will give you a certainty that the dates are all in the same format, and give...

  • RE: birthdate as a non date field

    This is one of those places where properly structured (and really quite rigid) data definition meets the messy, messy, messy real world. So, who wins? Properly structured (but rarely if...

  • RE: MSDE database queries - intermitent performance issue

    One question that I'm sure you've already considered: Is this happening on all the customers' databases, or is this localized to one machine?

    My gut feel is that you're going to...

  • RE: MSDE database queries - intermitent performance issue

    I agree with the SQL and Windows monitoring, as this (as described) just screams that you have some external factor specific to that customer that is causing the slowdowns.


  • RE: Complicated Deduping

    One suggestion - I'd start by building a reference table that identifies custid, phoneid combinations that refer to a specific customer, then use that in a join to locate calls...

  • RE: Could use a little direction...

    From experience working with EDI (or, more correctly finding what went wrong when it broke)

    1) Timestamp everything. Include a 'sending' date and time in every XML schema that you exchange....

  • RE: Benefits to using the Identity column

    Natural keys are wonderful when you're dealing with a real-world situation that is neat and orderly, stable over time, and very well-defined. For everything else, I'd recommend using an Identity...

  • RE: about Sybase

    If you're planning on (or willing to be) mobile, then learning multiple databases may be the way to go. Like all generalists, you often won't be as in-depth as someone...

  • RE: Not receive database weekly in the last two weeks

    I use Hotmail for many things, including the SQL Server Central daily mailing. Missing mailings is pretty common - several a month is common. It doesn't seem to follow a...

  • RE: Caveat Emptor

    Not to quibble, but shouldn't that be "Donor beware"?

    Steve G.

  • RE: Invalid column ???

    You have a column in your source data that generates a guid as an identity. Do a search in BOL for "rowguid" - there's a bunch of stuff related to...

  • RE: Problem Connecting Sql Server 2005 remotely

    Some suggestions

    1. Run the surface area configuration tool on your SQL 2005 instance and ensure that it will accept remote connections. Note the port number that SQL 2005 is using...

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 161 total)