Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 127 total)

  • RE: #SQLCareer

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Friday, July 6, 2018 9:43 AM

    Thanks. I don't see the tag on Twitter. Did it get...

  • RE: #SQLCareer

    Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Wednesday, July 4, 2018 9:05 PM

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item #SQLCareer


  • RE: The Gadget Itch

    I like the idea of "a hacking competition across a couple hours at a SQL Saturday or conference.". As part of performance tuning courses we used to corrupt the students...

  • RE: Regular Service

    I agree with Steve, a regular Service Pack, every year for the supported life of the product. That would mean Service Pack 4 is that last for SQL Server 2008....

  • RE: Timing is Everything

    I agree with Gsquared - UTC is the way to go.

    If you have ever had to move servers across the world or dealt with daylight savings then a common...

  • RE: Report Server Diagnostic Reports

    Excellent set of scripts and reports. Easy to deploy. Great work.

  • RE: Goal Tuesday

    Steve - you only listed 6 continents. You missed Australia. If you can endure the plane flight I am sure that the SQL Server community here will welcome you with...

  • RE: Slicing and Dicing

    I have spent the last 12 months helping to relaunch a music subscription download service. This allows you to download as much as you like per month. I always encourage...

  • RE: Ruthless

    Steve - have you ever thought about not sending a newsletter on the weekend, but combine it into a larger Monday newsletter. If there is something exceptional then send out...

  • RE: Encrypting SQL Code

    Encryption besides being annoying and pointless, it can also be dangerous if you lose the source code (a malicious attack by a disgruntled employee about to leave). Also I always...

  • RE: The July Car Update (2008)

    Cost of unleaded petrol in Sydney, Australia is around $1.60 per litre (or over $7 per gallon). Depends what day of the week you buy it on as the service...

  • RE: Social Software

    I am currently in the situation where I have been explicitly asked (and contractually forced) not to post or blog any SQL Server information that may be considered intellectual property...

  • RE: Wiggle Room

    As a "consultant" I usually only accept assignments within my area of expertise. Most of the time I will say to my potential clients that what they require is not...

  • RE: sp_send_dbmail

    Had the same error message and problem.

    Added the following to fix:

    @query_result_no_padding =1

    Hope this helps.

  • RE: Could not complete cursor operation 16958

    Had the same error on a SQL 2005 server that had a stored proc that used a cursor that enumerated the user databases then ran a SQL command against each...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 127 total)