Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 85 total)

  • RE: Log shipping error

    Yes , log backup is running @ 6:oo AM and full backup is running @8:00 PM

  • RE: Log shipping error

    Hi All,

    I am getting below error while restoring log backup in secondary server.


    2014-06-20 06:04:01.25Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'OS_Test', File: 'M:\Secondary DB\OS_Test_20140619073534.trn'

    2014-06-20 06:04:01.25Could not find a log backup file...

  • RE: Log shipping error

    i am getting error while configuring log shipping in the secondary server. backup has been taken while restoring error is coming

  • RE: Trace user in sql server

    what does it mean "If you don't have any auditing set up then you're not going to be able to find out much."

    sorry i am new to this activity.

  • RE: Trace user in sql server

    Hi John thanks for the reply,

    hostname will be showing for app server not for individual user. is there any alternative solution or query which is helpful for me

  • RE: Log shipping error

    Hi All,

    while restoring database in secondary server I am getting below error

    "row index must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the number of rows. ParameterName: nRowIndex....

  • RE: Log shipping error

    Actually for 30 minute its working fine but when i set it for 24 hours . first day it is restored but from 2nd day it start giving error

  • RE: Log shipping error

    I am not taking logbackup outside the log shipping environment. i have configured log shipping again. i need to monitor again today night.

  • RE: Log shipping error


    Thanks for the reply. i am getting error like " Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database'"

    I have scheduled job for taking backup,...

  • RE: Log shipping error

    Thanks Perry,

    Now I am able to configure log shipping. I have changed the agent service from local system to network service. Its working fine 🙂

  • RE: Log shipping error

    yes folder are shared. and I am using with Wizard.

    Database-properties-Transaction Log Shipping

  • RE: Log shipping error


    Thanks for the reply. Yes I am trying to restore in Secondary Database. Backup has been created in Primary Server, but its unable to copy from primary server folder to...

  • RE: SQL JOB taking more space

    Hi All,

    Thanks for the reply, I got the problem the System file is taking 13 GB space.

    Could you please tell me , is there any alternative ways to...

  • RE: SQL JOB taking more space

    I am not sure. I think , because of SSIS package C:/drive is growing. I read some article about this one to change the SSIS package temp file location in...

  • RE: SQL JOB taking more space

    Windows folder is occupied 14.9 GB space. I am not able to find , why that folder is taking more space.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 85 total)