Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 424 total)

  • RE: Row manipulation

    Matt's solution has a problem. If the first row has col3=1, it will be omitted. The issue stems from finding the break points so if the first item...

  • RE: Absolute Values In Decimals

    you should stop converting the numerators to numerics and use floats instead. ideally the app that's consuming this data should format the number, but if that's not possible, then...

  • RE: bulk insert ignores every second linebreak

    skipping input rows is a classic symptom of a mismatch between the number of fields in the table and the data file.

    open the .csv file you provided in...

  • RE: Fulltext Search within Results

    you just need to append the new keyword(s) to the existing criteria.

    first pass:

    AND freetext((Title,Description),'FORMSOF (INFLECTIONAL, "adi great" OR "Video")')

    next pass:

    AND freetext((Title,Description),'FORMSOF (INFLECTIONAL, "adi great" OR "Video" OR "night life")')

  • RE: Combining multiple lines from one table into one row of a view

    try this

    create table #data ( propertyId int, segmentNum int,

    useCode varchar(8), price money, frontage decimal(8,2), acerage decimal(8,2))

    insert into #data

    select 1, 1, 'A', 16000, 75, 1.25 union

    select 1, 2, 'A1', 7000,...

  • RE: Query Based Report Parameters

    you can define a parameter to allow null values or default values. thus the report can execute without supplying a value in which case the if logic i provided...

  • RE: Query Based Report Parameters

    what you need sounds straightforward but without your sql it's hard to suggest an appropriate solution. something like this may work:

    if (@parm is null )

    select @parm =...

  • RE: Help on better query performance

    giontech (5/22/2008)

    I'm using SSRS, and I'm putting this in a matrix.

    I'm confused. A SSRS matrix can automatically generate subtotals for each row/column group. Why won't...

  • RE: Combining multiple lines from one table into one row of a view

    please post a sample of the desired output. it's hard (for me) to understand what you want.

  • RE: User Defined Function With CTE

    the function body can be replaced with a single select.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_SubDomScore_MC] (

    @pInput VARCHAR(1000), @SUBDOMAIN VARCHAR(100),

    @Grade VARCHAR(5), @Subject VARCHAR(5),


  • RE: Need Help with SQL Query...

    something like this will do it:

    select ColA,


  • RE: Using Timestamp column in select statement

    0x00000000000140A7 is a number in hex notation. don't enclose it in quotes.

    Select * from mytable where timestampcol = 0x00000000000140A7

  • RE: Variable length substring with charindex

    here's a function that will help:





    ALTER function [dbo].[fListToVarchars]( @list varchar(max), @delim varchar(6) )

    returns @returnTable table

    ( item varchar(255) not null, itemSequence smallint not null )

    as begin


  • RE: Need help in eliminating cursor from procedure

    WayneS (5/21/2008)

    I'm trying to eliminate using a cursor in a stored procedure, but I'm having trouble getting the desired results.

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

    (Using SS2K5)



    XML processing to the...

  • RE: SSRS 2008 - Report Parameter Visibility

    that's why you'll either have to use the viewer control in your own app, or create a custom control to collect those parameters.

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 424 total)