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Viewing 15 posts - 6,211 through 6,225 (of 6,355 total)

  • RE: sp_lock showing locks with resource [encryption_scan]

    I think I may have found the "cause" of this. One of the web apps we have uses encryption to store the passwords of registered users into the database.


  • RE: Database mail question

    Suresh B. (10/20/2011)

    Try this.

    USE testing


    declare@MyEmailString varchar(MAX)

    select@MyEmailString = coalesce(@MyEmailString + ';', '') + coalesce(useremail, '')


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='test',


    @subject='Test message',

    @body='testing testing'

    Don't use GO after declaring a variable.

    Good point Suresh, I didn't notice that....

  • RE: What is the Query..?

    noticed that you want a 0 for the second IsVoid, in that case put a "case" statement around isvoid in the select and say if it is 1 then 0,...

  • RE: What is the Query..?

    you just want to get everything where isvoid is 0 and the transid = transid

    simple select statement

    select col1, col2, col3 from tab1 where col1 = VALUE and col2 = VALUE...

  • RE: What is the Query..?

    please can you display how you want the results to look like

    should the query return 4 rows for 200501, 0 for 200510 and 1 for 200525 etc

  • RE: Database mail question

    What is the collation of the server / database you are using?

    It may be a simple thing as if you have a case sensitive (CS) collation, you have declared the...

  • RE: In delete and truncate which one really free the memory after running?

    also memory = RAM, storage = hard drive space, to prevent any confusion for future posts

  • RE: reportserver floder option??

    you need to assign the right permission across the whole of the home section, so that people can only see what you want them to see

    In other terms

    modify/delete all the...

  • RE: In delete and truncate which one really free the memory after running?

    please correct me if i am wrong on this sql guru's

    when a row is deleted it is actually marked for deletion, then the internal clean up tasks comes along and...

  • RE: reportserver floder option??

    you cannot tell BIDS what windows account to use to deploy reports it uses the account of the logged in user

    SSRS uses windows auth so you need to ensure that...

  • RE: What is the Query..?

    so you want the get the IncidentID for a particual TransNo where IsVoid is 0

  • RE: reportserver floder option??

    you cant it is a manual thing, SSRS cannot create the groups and assigne people to the groups and the permissions on SSRS

    You have to do it yourself

  • RE: reportserver floder option??

    i find the best way to do SSRS permissions is to create windows groups and then assign the group permissions to what it needs, making sure that at the root...

  • RE: Resource Pools

    Yes I would have to agree with all the above comments about the 5th answer being in correct making me choose the 6th and getting the question wrong.

    The MSDN page...

  • RE: Index Properties Fragmentation Page

    Thanks Gail.

    I will gladly kick myself now, I forgot to put a "mode" in so was always doing limited and returning NULL.

    I will go hang my head in shame.



Viewing 15 posts - 6,211 through 6,225 (of 6,355 total)