Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Transaction Log Growing to ~50GB

    Hi Andy,

    The link given is not opening.

    Can u please check and reconfirm the link to all of us.


    Ankit Mathur

  • RE: Truncating doesn't release OS space ?

    Hi Gail,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I actually wanted to avoid using SHRINKFILE option. Is there any other way to reclaim OS space. I read somewhere it should not be a preferred...

  • RE: How to fetch data using OPENDATASOURCE and Linked Server

    I've started working on that only.

    I was hoping that someway I'll be able to get it through the query directly. But I didn't got any solutions so far.

    I guess creating...

  • RE: How to fetch data using OPENDATASOURCE and Linked Server

    Well the transactions are being logged at DB3 only and DB1 is our reporting server only where we fetch and store data at continous intervals.

    As of now we have no...

  • RE: How to fetch data using OPENDATASOURCE and Linked Server

    Hi WildCat,

    I know the syntax is wrong.

    That's why the question is being put here.

    If I use the following query I'm able to get resultset from DB2.

    SELECT Name, Count(ID)





  • RE: How to fetch data using OPENDATASOURCE and Linked Server


    Lemme post my question in another format.

    I've three DB Servers (DB1, DB2, DB3). Each having their exclusive set of tables. I'm using each of these servers using linked servers technique.


  • RE: Transaction Log Growing to ~50GB

    I agree with Matt.

    In one of my bulk-logged DB I do see a very big transaction log backup everytime a reindex has been perfromed. At the time of reindexing my...

  • RE: Count(1) Vs Count(*)


    Can you please tell me how did you got IO stats for just one query.

    I'm new to SQL and am trying to learn some techniques for Performance Tuning. I believe...

  • RE: How to send Email using Sql Server 2000

    Hi neelamkadam82

    I know it sounds obvious but please ensure you have copied the required DLL file in the correct directory as per your configurations.

    Follow the Installation Module on the same...

  • RE: Distinct Latest Records

    Thanks Ken,

    That worked like a charm. Perfectly according to my needs.

    With this help in SQL Query you have ended my search of past few weeks to get some sort of...

  • RE: Reclaim Transaction Log Space

    Thanks a lot everybody,

    I feel much more confident about handling the log files after all this discussion with fellow boarders.

    For the record, I've put my DB in simple mode with...

  • RE: Reclaim Transaction Log Space

    With more & more votes coming in for Simple Recovery Mode I'm considering to put it on a trial basis on my test server.

    As I'm trying out this mode for...

  • RE: Reclaim Transaction Log Space

    This is a reporting server of mine whereby in a day we feed in a lot of records & rest of the time it is used to fetch data ranging...

  • RE: Reclaim Transaction Log Space

    Well I wish to reclaim disk space. So I believe I'll go for Enterprise Manager Option.

    Can you pinpoint me to any important thing I ned to watchout for in its...

  • RE: Backup time increasing

    Yes Steve,

    It's a full backup only and yes its happening at a particular time only & that's in the morning scheduled job of 10 AM.

    To test it I had created...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)