Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

  • RE: Finding Azure SQL Database

    answer says

    Row 3 doesn't have a space before, so it does not match.

    but it is actually row 2 that does not have the space before, so row 3...

  • RE: The Security Payoff

    reminds me of this Dilbert cartoon

  • RE: Dependency between tables

    matthew.flower (7/1/2015)

    I agree completely with Toreador on this - the query returns the two table names and the name of the foreign key constraint between them.

    As the first two answers...

  • RE: Insert without a PK

    Nicholas Cross (6/10/2015)

    There is nothing in the question that suggests the PK is disabled, so I couldn't see any sensible answer. Went with the one where the first insert...

  • RE: Magic 8 Ball

    yes that now makes sense

    the function ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) % 100) is being treated as a field even though it is not in the select list

    Each row gets a value (may be...

  • RE: Magic 8 Ball

    That doesn't answer my question. As I said the function will produce a number between 0 and 99, as you have just confirmed.

    So how does ORDER BY 79 actually work...

  • RE: Magic 8 Ball

    how does that ORDER BY work?

    I assumed the function would produce a number between 0 and 99 and then interpret that as a column number in the query, but there...

  • RE: multiple index on same column

    Hi Richard

    thanks for the code. It mostly works, but does not pick up the index that I thought was redundant because it is a nonclustered index which was duplicating a...

  • RE: multiple index on same column

    many thanks for the replies, they do make sense.

    checking the execution plan, if I run a simple query and include one of the index fields in the where clause then...

  • RE: The mysteries of life, the beginning of the 20th century

    (2015+3+11)-(1900+1+1) gives 127

    as that field is declared as a smalldatetime, it becomes the 126th day of the year 1900 (0th day is 1900-01-01)

    this is confirmed by running select @ which...

  • RE: Simple Selects

    probably related to the isnumeric function

    ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign...

  • RE: Calculate age - Most easiest way

    cfox 61877 (1/23/2015)

    I find this works better than a scalar function...

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AgeInYears


    @BirthDate DATETIME2,

    @AsOfDate DATETIME2







  • RE: Calculate Temperature - Most Advanced UOC

    I'm sorry, OP is an abreviation for Original Poster

  • RE: use Change Data Capture for incremental load

    Koen Verbeeck (1/13/2015)

    ps_vbdev (1/13/2015)

    Koen Verbeeck (1/13/2015)

    ps_vbdev (1/13/2015)

    Ok so your doing the comparison in your staging area. but you would still have to do a full extract from source db (bulk...

  • RE: Calculate Temperature - Most Advanced UOC

    sergeg (1/9/2015)


    The correct formula to convert those units are:

    select @returnvalue =


    when @FromConversionUnit = 'DC' and @ToConversionUnit = 'DF' then @UnitValue * 1.8 + 32

    when @FromConversionUnit = 'DC' and...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)