Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 621 total)

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Oh - and dawn quad bike runs through the desert have to be done if you get the chance

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Adam Zacks (8/12/2008)

    andrew gothard (8/11/2008)

    Andras Belokosztolszki (8/11/2008)

    Adam Zacks (8/11/2008)

    Very business oriented Gail?

    Umm - surely that's our job?

    Ummm well yes, I suppose... Depends what mood I'm in. Getting married next...

  • RE: Debugger For SQL

    Well - usually in QA once it's written. Prototype in MS - then you get that sinking feeling when a colleague comes up to you baffled that someone normally...

  • RE: How to write the query results to a text file

    Hi Krish,

    have a look at SSIS - very easy to do it using that

  • RE: Debugger For SQL

    Do you think of any new features which would be helpful

    Personally - since 6.5, I've been waiting for the ability to write a view, and then, when I open it...

  • RE: Logins and Users

    Hi - forgive me if I'm missing the point of what you're trying to do, but here's my understanding;

    Basically - what you're wanting to do is have a login tied...

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Was thinking of this one

    Think we all know how often people seem to get parachuted into 'looking after the database(s)' and over the years I've seen a pretty...

  • RE: Temporary Tables

    On temp tables being used insanely: Yeah! I recently ran into a query that used twenty-one temp tables and six cursors. I changed the whole thing into a...

  • RE: Temporary Tables

    Using sys.columns cause it should have more than 50 rows. My test DB, I get estimated rows 1, actual 460. That cardinality inaccuracy is what really causes problems with...

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Um - you Gail. Hope the suggestion's taken in the way it was meant ...... just thought it was nice and to the point

  • RE: Temporary Tables

    I'm not saying never use them - hey over the last decade I've even used cursors 3 or 4 times :w00t:. But in general - I find derived tables...

  • RE: Temporary Tables


    in all honesty, I'm puzzled as to why your boss is demanding you use Temp Tables. Personally, I'd consider these a last resort other than the...

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Ever thought of expanding that slightly and submitting as an article on here? Seen soooo many posts on forums and usenet where people just fail to grasp the issues...

  • RE: Truncation of database logs

    Andras Belokosztolszki (8/11/2008)

    Adam Zacks (8/11/2008)

    Very business oriented Gail?

    Umm - surely that's our job?

  • RE: My 3rd party softwares uses tons of cursors.

    Andrew Whettam (8/9/2008)

    OS & SQL Installation RAID 1

    SQL Log files RAID 1 + 0 (not RAID 5 as it has poor write performance)

    tempdb RAID 1 + 0 (not RAID 5...

Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 621 total)