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Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    EXCELLENT!!! You rock 🙂

    Now how do I manipulate the code so it'll always display the Top 15 results in table for the DynamicQuestionID that I previously mentioned? I saw that...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    John Rowan (5/13/2010)

    Well, this gives you the results that you are looking for (I think) based on your original query's DynamicQuestionIDs. But my question is, how do you know...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    John Rowan (5/13/2010)

    So based on the 8 rows of sample data that you've shown us. What do you want the result set to look like? Can we figure...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    Now, you want to add on columns to the result set? Where does Presentee, Factory, Date, Time come from?

    The four categories are what each of the responses represent.

    I would...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    This isn't going to look pretty...:hehe:

    d057c210-1f77-4c88-9807-23d7ff0d94a052e94064-b993-46ab-aa3f-3a9f42f8f4bd5/311005/13/2010 1:46:00 PM8624335f-ca90-4cc2-9ec3-388b7b2857e0

    10405e79-a94a-4b31-ada3-594e3d9b7c77a23b7c9f-9721-48b6-8440-6d683ec41923Adam11005/13/2010 1:46:00 PM8624335f-ca90-4cc2-9ec3-388b7b2857e0

    3849b2a2-37fd-4886-95f0-7fd61487e6222e9fe800-fa58-4b1f-b55e-52ea7e7705239:10 AM11005/13/2010 1:46:00 PM8624335f-ca90-4cc2-9ec3-388b7b2857e0

    589fae6d-f5c2-4858-99d2-f87c3fc14b75c31a5c91-7429-4933-b2da-f73a036505b1Factory 211005/13/2010 1:46:00 PM8624335f-ca90-4cc2-9ec3-388b7b2857e0

    c1b47cc6-3aff-4cd9-8996-838326e9070da23b7c9f-9721-48b6-8440-6d683ec41923John Dobbs11005/13/2010 10:41:00 AMed80718e-157a-4970-8a79-c7df29083b1f

    be368f4b-0481-4b85-a71f-ce3621379d59c31a5c91-7429-4933-b2da-f73a036505b1Team-Max Gear11005/13/2010 10:41:00 AMed80718e-157a-4970-8a79-c7df29083b1f

    45a341d3-6e7d-496c-9487-7a65fffb8c4a52e94064-b993-46ab-aa3f-3a9f42f8f4bd5/9011005/13/2010 10:41:00 AMed80718e-157a-4970-8a79-c7df29083b1f

    d589faca-f98f-4d03-991f-3bfe48917e752e9fe800-fa58-4b1f-b55e-52ea7e7705239:101011005/13/2010 10:41:00 AMed80718e-157a-4970-8a79-c7df29083b1f

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    John Rowan (5/13/2010)

    acogswell (5/13/2010)

    I want to take each row, after Response (which is the header pulled from the Select Top 15 RESPONSE) and add a column with each of these...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    John Rowan (5/13/2010)

    Your formatting is not the problem. We need to know the table structure and see some sample data to help. Can you post your DDL for...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    John Rowan (5/13/2010)

    If you can give us an example of your table, data, and an example result set, this should not be to difficult to help you with. Please...

  • RE: Formating a Select Statement

    Dan.Humphries (5/13/2010)

    not sure what happened but your results section does not display

  • RE: Proper SQL Statement

    Ah, the simple comma. Thanks for your response, that did it 😀

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)