Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 108 total)

  • RE: Insert row by row

    Jeff is correct use CURSOR for row by row processing but, remember there is a problem using curosr it will affect slower down the insertion.

    so better you first validate...

  • RE: What is mean by Programming styles?


    As per me programming styles consist of writing code way, commenting, query forming, readblitiy of code...

    is it correct ?

  • RE: Need Help In Trigger

    Create table dbo.tmpTriggerTest






    Create table dbo.tmpTriggerTestHistory






    Create View dbo.vw_tmpTriggerTest


    SELECT * FROM dbo.tmpTriggerTest


    Consider tat tmpTriggerTest is a table from different DB on same server.

    I had created view namely vw_tmpTriggerTest which is...

  • RE: Need Help In Trigger

    sorry for d wrong reply...

    Select * from of object on diff DB.

    & trigger contains..... inserting record in history table, which schema is same.

  • RE: Need Help In Trigger

    Text of the view contains only...

    SELECT *


  • RE: T-SQL

    Jeff Moden, A correlated subquery is a SELECT statement nested inside another T-SQL statement, which contains a reference to one or more columns in the outer query. The correlated subquery...

  • RE: Generic insert & update Procedure

    Writing common sp for all is always complecated caz if suppose in future any changes have to be done it will affect the other ones .

    so better to maintain it...

  • RE: T-SQL

    may be u should try this....

    drop table #MyParent

    drop table #MyChild

    create table #MyParent

    ( myid int identity(1,1)

    , myval char(1)



    create table #MyChild

    ( mychildid int identity(1,1)

    , myid int

    , mynewval char(1)



    insert #MyParent select 'A'

    insert #MyParent...

  • RE: Timeout expired when altering table

    Change the timeout expire limit & try to alter the table schema by query


  • RE: Paging Results in SQL

    tats true returning required rows (pagewise ) is alwasy better than retuning all data rows if paging is used.

    Go ahead

  • RE: Cross Tab Query Needed

    Can u give an example of resultset u require..

  • RE: not getting the desired output

    thxs John, but in output result i want only distinct col_ref [ whatever may be the order by clause colname]

  • RE: Need Help !

    there is no such parameter or value from which i know the output.

  • RE: Update this Table

    thank you lowell, for your reply. but i want to do it without creating additional functions / SP.

    is it possible...

  • RE: Query from

    R u trying to connect to different server. if yes then first you have to link that server using " sp_addlinkedserver "

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 108 total)