Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 134 total)

  • RE: increment string by appending 01

    Yes Sean,


    for example if apawar02 and apawar05 exists in table2

    and in table 1 there are apawar, apwar01, ...........apawar10 then while inserting into table2,

    apawar will inserted as...

  • RE: increment string by appending 01

    Thanks Gianluca ,

    But if username is already exists then failing.

    For below data also giving same output:

    DECLARE @test1 TABLE (

    studID int,

    FIrstNAme varchar(50),

    LastName varchar(50)


    DECLARE @Test2 TABLE (

    StudID int,


  • RE: compare and insert record


    Thanks Twin.

    Thank you very much for your help with perfect solution. I really appreciated.

    Thank you once again



  • RE: calculate time in minutes

    I have resolved the issue. I was debugging wrong.. I was comparing 1:30 instead of 13:30.



  • RE: calculate time in minutes

    Hi Livingston,

    Just simplified data as below:

    create table #Time (StudentID int,ClassID int,StartDate datetime,ActualTIme time,StartTime time,EndTime time)

    insert into #Time values(1,1,'2014-10-07 12:26:30.540','12:26:30','12:50:00','17:10:00')

    insert into #Time values(1,1,'2014-10-07 01:35:30.540','01:35:30','12:50:00','17:10:00')

    insert into #Time values(1,1,'2014-10-07 01:40:30.540','01:40:30','12:50:00','17:10:00')

    insert into #Time values(1,1,'2014-10-07...

  • RE: calculate time in minutes

    Thanks Eugene Elutin

    I tried by finding min and max dateadded group by class but stucked with validation part.

    If you have any idea then please help.



  • RE: help while displaying resultSet in SP

    Hi ,

    Below code is working fine, But thinking one more innovation in that.If I add One more input parameter in below code say @DayAviliable varchar(10), Now I want to do...

  • RE: help while displaying resultSet in SP

    Thanks HanShi for quick reply......

    Thank you so much..... 🙂




  • RE: compare the next row with the previous row of same table

    Yes Erirukar,

    There are more rows for CanNum as below: and in such case its failing. I want to compare only latest two.

    I can Add one more column into table definition...

  • RE: compare the next row with the previous row of same table

    Thanks Eirikur.

    Working fine. 🙂

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!



  • RE: compare the next row with the previous row of same table

    Thank you Jeff and Eirikur.

    See below object.

    create table #temp(candId int identity(1,1),CanNum int,name varchar(50),Attempt1 int,Attempt2 int,attempt3 int)

    insert into #temp values ( 1001, 'Abhas', 120, 150, 180)

    insert into #temp values (1002,...

  • RE: issue with EXEC sp_executesql


    For both solution getting an error, temp table does not exists

  • RE: issue with EXEC sp_executesql

    Hi venoy, Thanks for reply.

    I am getting the result from EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicQuery correct. I just want to add the outputof this into temp table.

    I am not able to past...

  • RE: create column alias with concatenation.

    Thanks Adi,

    I am getting exactly same error.

    Where i need to use (+) sign. Do you mean instead of concat function?



    done by below idea:

    create table #temp(name varchar(10), sale int)

    insert into...

  • RE: display values upto 1 decimal without function.

    Hi all,

    in addition above.


    put varchar datatype, why because actual data is like: Sorry for not mentioning earlier.

    99.87%, 99.96%, 8.67%

    and out put want as






Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 134 total)