Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

  • RE: Execution Plans

    When giving examples, there is no need to blunder through every possible case of Table Scans before "realizing" MS SQL will only use the index scan on the column that...

  • RE: Change Ownership of a Maintenance Plan

    For any SQL 2005 guys who stumble upon this one: IN 2005 it's msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages90.

  • RE: Inserting Encrypted Files


    INSERT INTO dbo.Affiliate([FullLegalName], [TypeOfEntity], [LicenseNumber], [StateLicensed],

    [Website], [TaxID], [Address1], [Address2], [City], [State], [ZipCode],

    [ContactPerson], [EMail],[PhoneNumber], [FaxNumber],[CopyOfLicense],

    [LicenseBlockNum], [CopyOfW9], [W9BlockNum], [LoginID], [Password])

    SELECTISNULL(ELD.[FullLegalName], EWD.[FullLegalName]),

    ISNULL(ELD.[TypeOfEntity], EWD.[TypeOfEntity]),

    ISNULL(ELD.[LicenseNumber], EWD.[LicenseNumber]),


    ISNULL(ELD.[Website], EWD.[Website]),

    ISNULL(ELD.[TaxID], EWD.[TaxID]),

    ISNULL(ELD.[Address1], EWD.[Address1]),


  • RE: Inserted seems to remember values between updates/inserts

    I see, then I think I know what is troubling me. I assumed that columns that aren't updated in the UPDATE statement would be null in the Inserted pseudo table,...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Scripts are in my last post.

    At the moment i have interrupted my test because i have other urgent work.

    But when i have free time i will test it.


  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    I have found this message in error log:


    Server TCP provider failed to listen on [ 'any' 5022]. TCP port is already in use.


    But i'm sure that this port...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring


    i have changed my scenario more similar to production.

    I have a domain (called "dbmirror") and i hav 2 server (virtual machines) called SV38 e SV39.

    Server SV38 contain 1 istance called...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Hi, i had some problem with virtual machine server, now i'm installing 2 virtual machine server in a unique domain, so i can test db mirroring on 2 server (principal...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Hi to all,

    now i have installed dns, this afternoon i want try to create a login for domain.

    Then i will tell you...:cool:

    Bye bye

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Hi to all,

    today i will try your idea and tell you results...

    Many thanks for support 🙂

    Have a good day

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    phoqueme (10/15/2008)

    Hi philcart,

    i have only one server, in this server i have 3 istances, so it's mandatory has 3 different ports, and when i create enpoints i must write 3...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    philcart (10/14/2008)

    Firstly, check your ip connectivity between the servers. If you have connectivity issues you may need to update the hosts file with the ip addresses of the other servers.


  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    ALZDBA (10/10/2008)

    - are you able to telnet Mirror 5023 ?

    - logon to the server using the service account, and then try to telnet the port.

    - logon to the...

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Yes, telnet functions with port 5022, 5023, 5024, it's strange...

    Now i try other your ideas, thanks;)

  • RE: Problem DB Mirroring

    Nothing, it doesn't function.

    But Mirror "speak" with Principal, but Principal doesn't speak with Mirror.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)