Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 196 total)

  • RE: How do I put this proc into a pivot table?

    Hi there,

    I'm not sure exactly what you are asking.  I think you might be looking for something like this:

    insert into MyPivotTable (OrderType, AccountType, ...)

    select ...

    Hope this helps


  • RE: Simple Select


    Here is one way to do what you are asking.  This methd relies on a temp table, but may be sufficient for your needs.

    DROP TABLE TestTbl


    create table TestTbl (

            MyID  ...

  • RE: Comparing Data in two SQL Tables


    There are a few ways to accomplish what you are asking.  A few more details might point towards a specific solution.  A common method is something like the following pseudocode:


  • RE: Trimming whitespace during BCP


    I usually just follow the BCP statement with an update statement, similar to the following:

    UPDATE ctcTempAdditional SET ColName2 = LTRIM(RTRIM(ColName2))

    There is a time and memory cost that depends on the number...

  • RE: Query Question


    Thanks for the additional background.  This helps frame the problem a little better.

    Can you provide an idea of the volume you are dealing with on a monthly basis?  For example,...

  • RE: Replication... other options?

    Robert & Sarah,

    You might consider a variation used frequently in the MMORPG world.  Instead of playing magic with the seeds, add a column called something intuitive like "SourceLocation" that contains...

  • RE: Query Question

    I completely agree with you Noel.  The right answer really is to find or define identifiers that are unique to each business entity.  All of the other possibilities that were...

  • RE: Data migration


    It sounds like you are working in an enterprise shop (or equivalent) where there is only one instance of the schema in production.  Consider the case where a product development...

  • RE: Query Question

    Following is a brief snippet from the soundex topic in BOL.  in your situation, you could attempt to match the values by including something like SOUNDEX(columnA) = SOUNDEX(columnB) in the...

  • RE: Query Question

    This is an interesting one...  I do not think you are going to find an "ideal" solution.  The best answer is for you to find something like a DUNS number...

  • RE: INSERTing new record (performance issue)


    Assuming that your tables look something like the following, the select

    may do what you are asking.  This is pseudo-code and needs to be adapted

    to your specific situation.  However, there...

  • RE: Is This possible to do ?

    And another variation...

    CREATE TABLE TestTbl (

    AuthID        INT,

    ClaimID       VARCHAR(20),

    MemID         VARCHAR(20),

    DischargeDate DateTime



    INSERT INTO TestTbl (AuthID, ClaimID, MemID, DischargeDate)

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006', 'MB00112864', '2005-01-10 00:00:00' UNION

    SELECT 100542, '05083000006',...

  • RE: Free User-Defined string Functions Transact-SQL

    Hello Igor,

    Thank you for offerring something free to the community.  The UDFs sound like useful utilities.  Can the source be posted to the scripts area of this site?


  • RE: XML Template

    hmmm....  An interesting question.  In my opinion, the support for XML templates in SQL Server 2000 is terrible.  I typically write my own custom export routine.  Having said that, BOL...

  • RE: Concatenation

    Another variation on the same algorithm uses "coalesce" as follows:

    create table #x

    ( id int not null, MyName varchar(20), job varchar(20) not null )

    insert #x select 12345, 'Jane Smith', 'Accounts Clerk'


Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 196 total)