Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 56 total)

  • RE: SelectQuery

    So you are only interested in values matching the date part and not worried about the time ? Ie all records entered today for instance ?

  • RE: SelectQuery

    As Gail has asked a little more info. If the string being passed in is in the format I suggested what does the data you are trying to match with...

  • RE: SelectQuery

    The values you are passing in, how are they generated ? Is yor date parameter being set/created as a string or datetime before being passed through ? If it is...

  • RE: Dont understand which version I am using ??

    Digs, If the CheckDB did not return any issues that is what you are wanting to see. As for the Compatability level there are 2 ways (like everything) to...

  • RE: Dont understand which version I am using ??

    Digs now that you have upgraded you can leave the DB's in 90 compatability mode (2005) or change the compatability to 10 (2008 r2). I would recommend doing a DBCC...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    Prashant, your first point of call should be BOL. The underlying problem that you have is your underlying table structure. Unless you can fix your table structure creating a select...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    Unfortunately I am not able to give you any advice around crystal reports. In my previous posts I have outlined to you that you need to have a column in...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    Unless you have a column with values that allow you to link the data like you have indicated (like the id I mentioned in my previous post) you will not...

  • RE: cerate view for sql205

    Based on what you have said stated without putting your exact table structure to get what you are wanting you can join the table back on itself however you need...

  • RE: Upgrade to MSSQL 2008 R2

    I am a little confused with your question. Once you have completed your installation and migrated your DB's you will need to change your application connections to point to your...

  • RE: Upgrade to MSSQL 2008 R2

    Yes Digs you should not have any issue doing a second install of 2008 R2 and then do your migration. You will be limited to the version of SQL Server...

  • RE: Upgrade to MSSQL 2008 R2

    Digs, I think there are a couple of questions you need to answer before you are able to go ahead with your upgrade to 2008 R2.

    Are you moving to new...

  • RE: Should transaction log backups' file extension be .TRN or .BAK

    As with all of the previous posts it is all about making it simple and easy for you to identify the type of backup.

    I have previously worked in a...

  • RE: SQL server disappears after installing

    So to clarify in configuration manager you can only see the named instance ? If you go to START | Admin tools | Settings you can only see the named...

  • RE: proxy account and service account

    Your service account has appropriate permissions then and you do not need to create a credential and corresponding proxy.

    Proxy accounts are used for a permissions. Unless you have a...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 56 total)