Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 31 through 43 (of 43 total)

  • RE: Need an prgramming advise

    Hi Daniela..

    Check out the new ROW_NUMBER operator.  It should give you just the functionality you're looking for.

    Hope this helps..

  • RE: DateTime Conversion to UTC and Back

    Note that DATEDIFF and DATEADD return INT, not BIGINT; that may well be the limitation you're running into.

    Couldn't you just take your "seconds" result, multiply by 1000, and assign it...

  • RE: Recursive loop never ends


    This is an ideal candidate for a CTE.  The sample CTEs in Books OnLine are very good; if you need any help getting your head around this please contact me...

  • RE: For Pick Up Max value From Table

    The first alternative would probably be more efficient as an ORDER BY CustID DESC but it's a good call..

  • RE: PIVOT command

    Off the top of my head, this sounds like a dynamic SQL sort of thing..

  • RE: Connecting SQL Server 2005

    Hi Sathish..

    Are you running the Windows Firewall on your SQL Server box?  If so, you might want to make sure that sqlservr.exe is not blocked at the firewall.

    Hope this helps..

  • RE: For Pick Up Max value From Table

    Hi Tushar..

    You could write a loop and scan all of your records to find the MAX() value, but that will certainly be more expensive than using the MAX() function.

    Is this an...

  • RE: OPENXML syntax for nodes

    Hi Chase..

    A technique called "parent axis access" can help you here.  You drill down to the deepest layer of the XML and then use ".." parent references to jump back...

  • RE: 7 Days Planner

    Hi Rowell..

    You can probably edit the world-time-zone solution posted on my blog, linked below, to address your issue.

    Hope this helps..

  • RE: Problem with Time

    Hello Rowell..

    Take a look at the DATEPART function in BOL.  That should get you started.

  • RE: recursive stored procedure: has a cursor


    If you build a temporary structure (table variable or temp table) that contains your hierarchy in the properly sorted order, you should then be able to use that to drive...

  • RE: which one is best

    Hello Nidheesh..

    You should pass your array in an XML document.  You can read a journal article here which describes the technique.

    Hope this helps!  Please write back on my...

  • RE: simple problem regarding relationship...

    Hello Alex..

    The syntax for this exists in SQL Server 2005 and can be found at this BOL link: (ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/udb9/html/54ca1d10-5106-4340-bde4-480b83e7e813.htm).  Here's an excerpt:

    By using cascading referential integrity constraints, you can define...

Viewing 13 posts - 31 through 43 (of 43 total)