Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 103 total)

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Hi John

    Ok Now query is working it was not because of space...need to check on monday if it's working correct



  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Sorry John

    Got this error msg with your solution

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 6

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'GROUP'.

    Not able to figure out why not working

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Thanks Vladan

    My date type is int and format is CYYMMDD for eg 25 july 2005 is stored like 1050725

    My simple query is working with both with set and with...

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Hi Vladan

    My date has int type and format is CYYMMDD

    25 July 2005 will be 1050725. I am agreed with you the thing is i need to set this condition...

  • RE: Help to design report

    Sorry , you are right actually i need to calculate working days for dailyrun rate i just wrorte to show that i need to do calculation on every field.

    When i use...

  • RE: Problem exporting report to excel 2000

    Thanks Philcart

    Yah i am using latest service pack.....

    Thanks a lot for clearing my doubt


  • RE: Is it Possible to use '''' if 0'''' and '''' Set '''' in a view

    Thanks a lot ...........

    These are useful ans.

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Sorry my full query is

    set DateFirst 1

    if @@DateFirst=DatePart(dw,GetDate())


    SELECT     Salesperson, SUM(InvoicedValueBase) AS YesterdaySales

    FROM         dbo.SalesF

    WHERE     (CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(DateInvoiced AS char), 4, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DateInvoiced AS char), 6, 2)


  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Hi All

    I have one view and i need to put same conditions on it. Now problem is view doesn't support set and if.

    Any idea how i can run the same...

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Thanks a lot Got my query with combinations of your ans.Need to check on monday only

    SELECT     Salesperson, SUM(InvoicedValueBase) AS YesterdaySales

    FROM         dbo.SalesF

    WHERE     (CAST(SUBSTRING(CAST(DateInvoiced AS char), 4, 2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(CAST(DateInvoiced...

  • RE: Need to write query with two conditions

    Thanks a Lot but need more help..........

    In simple program if i write i need like this


    Then Getdate()-3





  • RE: Need to calculate %

    Excellent .................

    Many Thanks TomT, #Error is removed from my report now it's showing 0% instead of #error tag.

    Once again thanks for solving my problem and for giving me new tip.......



  • RE: Need to calculate %

    Hi Kumar KP

    Many Thanks for response but having same error msg which i posted in the last post...........


    Kind Regard's


  • RE: Need to calculate %

    Many Thanks for reply

    I tried that and got this error

    Argument not specified for falsepart of public funcation IIF(Expression as boolean,True Part As Object,Falsepart as Object) as Object.



  • RE: Append data in a existing table

    Hi Ian

    No i don't have any primary key in this table because every colum has duplicate value. This is a view which is not on my system i am only...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 103 total)