Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)

  • RE: LinkedServer - still mystified

    I believe you have answered yourself, i assure you that SSIS will be the fastest way to get your data.

    The problem with linkedservers in SQl 2005 is that it first...

  • RE: Row Number

    Use this SSRS function:




    (String) The name of a dataset, data region, or group, or null (Nothing in Visual Basic), that specifies the outermost context, usually the report...

  • RE: how to write query output into a text file?

    You can also use bcp queryout to solve your purpose

  • RE: Row Number

    Not clear buddy you want to add a row number or a page number??

  • RE: NC index on large table

    If your reporting needs are not frequent, and as you say that you have frequent updates and inserts i will suggest you to closly monitor performance related impact as speeding...

  • RE: can I use a value like "1,203" in a calculation?

    You can Use this directly on your table:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #temp

    CREATE TABLE #temp (val nvarchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #temp VALUES ('1,234.94')




    SELECT CAST(REPLACE(val,',','') AS numeric(18,2))

    FROM #temp

  • RE: how to search in sql by using like operator

    --Hope this will solve your problem:

    DECLARE @text varchar(50) = 'Good Morning SQL'

    SET @text = @text+' '

    DECLARE @Spacepos int = charindex(' ',@text)

    DECLARE @Len int = LEN(@text)+1

    DECLARE @Oldval int = 0

    --Create a...

  • RE: split batch to get time

    Firstly Use some mechanism to traverse through each row one by one you may need to order your records while inserting (add a identity column) or use a cursor, now...

  • RE: Update multiple tables

    You can use dynamic sql to solve your problem, take all tables u want to update in a temp table and put your dynamic sql query in a loop changing...

  • RE: Getting data from table on other database

    If on same server nothing wrong You are just missing fully qualified name. In your case schema 🙂

    something like master.dbo.employee

  • RE: Fastest way to copy backup file from server 1 to server 2

    Try Zipping your file using some zip utility WINZIP etc.. you will need to use commandline utility of winzip for such a large file. WZZIP...

    Secondly if its a simple bak...

  • RE: Help!About transaction log truncation

    Its not the transaction log truncation when you do any transactions they first go to log file and hence its size grows when a particular transaction commits it frees the...

  • RE: Need to decrease Log file

    Backup log MYDATABASE with truncate_only

    DBCC Shrinkfile ('Log',10)

    In DBCC 'Log' is the logical file name of log file generally "Log"

    and 10 is in MB.(change it acc to your needs)

    sometimes files use...

  • RE: Mirroring In sql server 2005- Witness Full Quorum

    Hi Everyone thankyou very much for your time.

    I finally found out the problem, somehow my mirror server name was missing USERDNSDOMAIN and hence a connection was not getting established between...

  • RE: I cant reduce PRIMARY filegroup size even when empty

    I am not sure that you can use EmptyFile option on Primary filegroup.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)