Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

  • RE: NTILE help

    2 ChrisM@home


  • RE: Date with Time

    select cast(CAST(getdate() as DATE) as datetime)

    results of running Jeff Moden's script on my 2008R2 with additional cast/cast convertion

    (1000000 row(s) affected)

    --===== DATEADD/DATEDIFF =============================================

    SQL Server Execution Times:


  • RE: NTILE help

    2 ChrisM@home

    even more simple 🙂declare @subgroupsize int

    set @subgroupsize=3

    select dense_rank() over(order by act,grp desc) grp_no,1+(rn-1)/@subgroupsize grp_sub_no



    (select * ,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by act,grp order by (select 0))...

  • RE: Select specific days and hours from a date and make that a new column

    2 mic.con87


    expression DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '19000105', IncidentDate) /7*7, '19000105') calculates latest Friday before or on a given reference date

    The rest is clear

    dateadd(hh,19,DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '19000105', IncidentDate) /7*7, '19000105')) ...

  • RE: Convert multiple rows to 1 row


    q1 as (select *

    ,case when exists(select * from #Broker b where b.Broker=td.Broker) then 1 else 0 end StartT

    ,case when exists(select * from #Portfolio p where p.Portfolio=td.Portfolio) then 1 else 0...

  • RE: Select specific days and hours from a date and make that a new column

    declare @Incidents table(IncidentDate datetime)

    insert into @Incidents

    select '20111216 18:59:00' union all

    select '20111216 19:00:00' union all

    select '20111218 19:00:00' union all

    select '20111218 19:01:00'

    SELECT IncidentDate

    ,case when IncidentDate between dateadd(hh,19,DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, '19000105',...

  • RE: Last day of Month

    Jeff Moden (12/19/2011)

    Just thought I'd throw these in... they get rid of the behind-the-scenes operation of parenthetical grouping and remove one extra subtraction (for the month end calculation) for a...

  • RE: Last day of Month

    declare @y int

    declare @m int

    select @y=2012,@m=2

    select dateadd(month,(@y-1900)*12+@m,0)-1

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)