Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Avoiding Subquery in UPDATE

    wat do u think which query will give better performance.

  • RE: Auto Running (Scheduling) CLR Procedures

    does it mean that we can not schedule a stored procedure that needs parameters ?

    If the answer is yes, then i think we can use a temp table with columns...

  • RE: Auto Running (Scheduling) CLR Procedures

    Some one can please help me, its very urgent.

  • RE: Auto Running (Scheduling) CLR Procedures

    Actually there are different Procedures with different number and type of parameters with different execution intervals.

    For example consider following procedure.......I want to execute this procedure after every hour.


  • RE: Auto Running (Scheduling) CLR Procedures

    Sorry, I havent use Service Broker before....can u plz explain abt the process

  • RE: Function Privileges

    Yah i also thought that it will be depending on type of function....but i could not find how exactly it differentiates....coz more or less all the functions were same.

  • RE: Function Privileges

    Yes i do get the error e.g

    Suppose in the EM GUI, UDF 'MyFunction' has ONLY SELECT Option available for Grant

    and if i try to execute  "GRANT EXECUTE ON MyFunction TO MYUser"


  • RE: Function Privileges

    Actually the problem is....when i go to properties of the users of my DB.....there is a tab of Permissions....that shows all the objects of the DB with the rights (SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,EXECUTE,DRI)...

  • RE: User Problem

    Thanks all.....specially alzdba.....

    one more thing i want to know is......

    In my DBs Different USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS have different privileges....i.e

    Some have SELECT

    Some have EXECUTE


    Some have...

  • RE: User Problem

    Thanks all.....specially alzdba.....

    one more thing i want to know is......

    In my DBs Different USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS have different privileges....i.e

    Some have SELECT

    Some have EXECUTE


    Some have...

  • RE: User Problem

    This is for KH

    exec master..xp_execresultset N'select ''GRANT ALL ON '' + name + '' TO test'' from sysobjects where type in (''U'', ''V'')', 'ADL'

    HERE 'ADL' is my DB Name and...

  • RE: User Problem

    Suppose my DB name is MYDB.....

    Can u plz explain the FROM and WHERE clauses......i.e


     where [TABLE_SCHEMA] = 'xxx'



     where [SPECIFIC_SCHEMA] = 'xxx'

  • RE: User Problem

    KH i am getting the following error when i execute the above statement...isnt it strange

    Incorrect syntax near 'Stored'

  • RE: User Problem

    Thanks for replying.....but sorry to tell u that i knew this script....wat i want to know is there any single command that can grant ALL to all the tables...

  • RE: Killing the DB :P

    thanks every one who replied.....

    My solution works fine after the change suggested by Kenneth. i.e EXEC('Kill ' + @spid)

    Now about the system spids.....they will not be returned by the cursor...coz...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 40 total)