Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 181 total)

  • RE: Case Statement Within TSQL

    Scott, I like your solution. I have found that using row_number when you need the best of several potential result records works great as long as you can find...

  • RE: when to create new tables

    Also think about the understandability and usability of the table. Theoretically, you could put all data in a single table, but it would be real difficult to understand and...

  • RE: Letting People Go Securely

    59% of people leaving steal data? I find that surprisingly high. How are they defining 'steal data'? On the other hand, what ever happened to ethics in...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Overtime pay or comp time. I think I should be compensated for giving up my personal time to do work that benefits the company.

  • RE: TSQL - tempdb

    Thanks, skjoldtc!

    When you said that I checked my compatibility level on the database I ran the queries on and they were set to 80 which is why I got zeros...

  • RE: TSQL - tempdb

    Why would I get zero and zero when I run this set of queries on SQL 2005?

  • RE: How to use my Variables?

    You can also create variables that are concatentations of other variables. I sometimes do this if I am going to reuse a certain combination of variables (such as path...

  • RE: T-SQL

    I didn't know that SQL Server rounded datetime...this is confusing behavior because I wouldn't have expected to see the '20090201' date in the result set. Try explaining that one...

  • RE: Problems with a stored procedure

    Check for nulls in the necessary variables before trying the insert. You did that previously in your stored procedure, but you don't have the necessary control code to prevent...

  • RE: The Brainstorm Zone

    When I was in college so many years ago, when I would get stumped on a problem, I would go do something else such as go to the gym. ...

  • RE: Telework Works

    One other consideration regarding telecommuting, a company expands the potential talent pool from which it can draw. They are no longer limited to people who live within commuting distance...

  • RE: Un-retiring

    If you are working with a company that is slow to adopt new technology, you will see new graduates coming out of school that have more up-to-date skills than you...

  • RE: Social Profiling

    Grant Fritchey (8/1/2008)

    ...The problem is, completely benign, totally safe, down right wholesome and good activities can be held against you. For example, an organization I belong to spent a morning...

  • RE: Social Profiling

    I tend to use a pseudo-name whenever I post on the Internet because my real name is unique, and to my knowledge, I am the only one in the world....

  • RE: Missing Temp Tables Without Disconnecting

    I inherited several stored procedures that do step-wise processing using temp tables. In other words, there are multiple queries that insert/update/delete data in one or more temp tables within...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 181 total)