Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 656 total)

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    robert.diley (3/10/2015)What it does log are page deallocations:

    "The DELETE statement removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. TRUNCATE TABLE...

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    nihie (3/10/2015)

    b) and f) are correct answer, as records from child is removed before parent.


    As per my earlier replies, TRUNCATE cannot be used if a foreign key is...

  • RE: Backing up from SETUSER

    Hany Helmy (3/8/2015)

    Never used it before SETUSER, but very good question despite of the date issue.

    I'm not sure that it is a terribly useful question. What benefit is there in...

  • RE: Identity Column Datatype

    TomThomson (3/7/2015)

    So a nice easy question, and it will be rather disappointing if the correct answers end up much below 100%.

    Currently just 61%. And looks like 2% didn't realise that...

  • RE: Foreign Key Fun

    Wish I'd noticed who wrote the question before I answered! I'd have ignored the obvious and looked a bit closer for the 'trick' 😉

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    chgn01 (3/5/2015)

    Sorry for the error on choice d). I did test for each choices. Not sure how it happen. Could Steve Jones please change it from "delete...

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    SqlMel (3/5/2015)

    ... but TRUNCATE statement do not logging.

    Oh boy, here we go again...

    Unfortunately the discussion seems to be concentrating on the typo/syntax error instead 🙁

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    patricklambin (3/5/2015)

    Why the b) choice ( truncate BBB , delete AAA ) is not correct ?

    The b) choice is not delete AAA, it is truncate[/I] AAA. This will fail for...

  • RE: Remove data from tables

    Even ignoring the typo/mistake, the explanation is totally wrong. It is nothing to do with whether the statements are logged, and it is common incorrect) myth that TRUNCATE TABLE is...

  • RE: The answer to life, the universe and prime numbers

    patricklambin (2/26/2015)

    Excellent post , Toreador. You are right. The * means only that the value -51 cannot represent any ASCII character for which the minimum value is 0.

    Actually that's not...

  • RE: The answer to life, the universe and prime numbers

    Sean Lange (2/26/2015)

    How many books make decent movies anyway? The list is pretty short.

    Not as short as the list of radio series that make good books 😉

    I made myself finish...

  • RE: The answer to life, the universe and prime numbers

    Try it out. You'll get the same result if you have


    or the following will return 45 (the ascii for '-')

    DECLARE @ VARCHAR(3) = 1952 + 03...

  • RE: The answer to life, the universe and prime numbers

    The explanation is wrong, it's nothing to do with 'unassigned characters' (whatever they are).

    The variable is declared as VARCHAR, which defaults to varchar(1). The calculation results in -51, which is...

  • RE: Not Again!

    Surely this must be a bug?

  • RE: Approximate Data types

    Owing to the absence of a "select two" hint I almost went for "all of the above", but saw sense and got it right.

    I've obviously been doing these QotD for...

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 656 total)