Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 283 total)

  • RE: Dates between two dates

    I don't know if there is a performance gain using the SS2005 method, but if running SS2000 (or any other) then this will work fairly well:

    declare @StartDate  DATETIME,
  • RE: Date/Time Function

    Wait a minute, fellas. Although I have never used GMT, it has always been my understanding that this was what one used to get away from all this time calculation....

  • RE: pull values every 15 minutes from report running in minutes

    Here it is right out of the db:

    /****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[TruncTime]    Script Date: 06/15/2007 10:12:53 ******/
      Author:  ...
  • RE: self join or subquery?

    Am I missing something here? Did the OP claim that the table held pairs of tuples for every... um, entry -- each identical except that one attribute held a constant...

  • RE: pull values every 15 minutes from report running in minutes

    Yet another answer -- really just a rework of the two you already got. Carl is right about the table with just a sequence of numbers. You quickly start wondering...

  • RE: Subqueries

    Wow. I generally do all I can to avoid temp tables but with almost 1.5M records, apparently the initial overhead averages out. Just for grins, how good is the hybrid...

  • RE: Subqueries

    Here's a solution that gets rid of all subqueries. It could be written simpler with CTE if you have SS2005. If you use the temporary table, I would still use...

  • RE: plz explain

    Sure, but by replacing X with Y in any number of queries, we can have lots of fun. All queries have the potential to act differently if we modify them....

  • RE: QUOTESTRING behavior

    Well, I can't do that because it would remove every bracket in the string. I just verified, I can CREATE TABLE [dbo].[some]]name](...) and it creates a table named 'some]name'! I...

  • RE: QUOTESTRING behavior

    Thanks, I see that now and it makes sense (in some contexts).

    I was just working on a proc that gets in table and column names and I wanted to make...

  • RE: plz explain

    It must be something from a tutorial that is illustrating subqueries (and, possibly, DISTINCT). I can't see that it does anything more than

      select max(empsal) from emp;
  • RE: Another simple scripting question.

    I have something implemented that might work for you. It allows you to define standard names with any number of alternate names for each one. A function then returns the...

  • RE: RAID, Paritioning and SAN

    I used to work for Sun Micro in their Network Storage division. I am amazed at how much I have forgotten.

    A LUN is a Logical UNit. If you have only...

  • RE: How to use advanced sorting…

    Ian had a good idea, he just overwrote the value the OP wanted to sort by. So the records with the non-NULL values would be at the beginning but in...

  • RE: trouble with aggegate functions

    Actually, this clears up a lot -- if nothing else, it makes me more appreciative of the scope of your problem.

    You say your "underlying problem is that i cannot perform...

Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 283 total)