Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Ambiguous column in WHERE join on sysobjects

    that yields proper result (^ is delimiter):

    /* object_id^name^column_id^system_type_id^user_type_id^max_length^precision^scale









    Note that our table is not in sys.system_objects.

    sp_help SysOurTables





    Name^varchar^no^40^ ^




    sp_help sysobjects

    /* Column_name^Type^Computed^Length^Prec^Scale


    name^sysname^no^256^ ...

  • RE: Ambiguous column in WHERE join on sysobjects

    checked collation. It is correct for all databases & both tables.

  • RE: Ambiguous column in WHERE join on sysobjects

    as stated at top, everything is collation of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS.

    Only interested in SQL 2005 (2000 is working fine).


  • RE: Ambiguous column in WHERE join on sysobjects

    the columns are *not* identical ... unless SQL changed the rules for identifiers.

     `sp_dbcmptlevel ThisDb, 80` only worked yesterday; it stopped working today.   Any chance the...

  • RE: Attaching db on secondary drive.

    Solved CREATE DATABASE on other drive.  Permissions issue.

    Windows Start -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services -> Services (local) -> MSSQLServer, right clicked Properties.

    LogOn was `Local System account`, changed to `This...

  • RE: Attaching db on secondary drive.

     but may be related.  No solution yet.

    Getting very similar situation when trying to make a new database.

    SQL Server 2005 just installed (after uninstalled 2000 but...

  • RE: Worst Practices - Making Databases Case Sensitive (Or Anything Else)

    What language are we storing in the db?  Case matters most to the people writing reports, so if your data is sEnSitive so...

  • RE: Who Owns That Database?

    Curious if Microsoft is going to do anything to keep it from crashing in this case. Should be possible to have it report db name as `problem with owner`...

  • RE: INSERT INTO changes order of rows

    Thank you all for responding. While I know SQL does not guarantee any consistent sorting ( despite inconsistencies in the documentation which imply you can do it), I am...

  • RE: INSERT INTO changes order of rows

    needs to be order of entry, which precludes an index in this case.

    We did go to latest service pack in late January... can't recall if it was 3 or 6.

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)