Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 334 total)

  • RE: Transaction Log Growth, do you need it?

    Thanks for the replies.

    We take t-log backups every 2 hours, in full recovery mode. This vendor has been more difficult then most to deal with when it comes to...

  • RE: Transaction Log Growth, do you need it?

    Great article. Here's a question that I've been looking for an answer to. What do you use for a realistic size of a transaction log. We take...

  • RE: Long runing query

    The reason you see it reporting 2.5b rows is because it is doing a loop join on that table. It looks like there are 5527 rows in one table...

  • RE: SQL Server Locks Up

    Unless you don't have the space. Just keep the logfile at 30gb. It is more expensive to keep growing it for the batch job than just keeping it...

  • RE: sp_spaceused vs. Properties: Space available:

    The properties page includes free logspace. The sp_spaceused only shows free on the primary data file. You can right click the database in the EM tree and choose...

  • RE: Orphaned Users

    Thanks for the replies. These accounts are disabled and the people are terminated. They don't want to delete them because when a replacement is hired they use the...

  • RE: create single quotes around @variable

    You can also use char(39) as a single quote.


    Select char(39) + name + char(39) from sysobjects

    Just build your string using char(39) to surround your strings. I find it alot...

  • RE: Update leading Zeros

    Nice Joe.


  • RE: Update leading Zeros

    Even though your done, here's on that I use. 

    declare @vc as varchar(6)

    set @vc = '123'

    select  RIGHT('000000',6-LEN(@vc))+@vc


  • RE: Looping over records and changing values

    update table1 

    set date = newdate

    from temp b where table1.somevalue = b.somevalue and table1.someotherval = b.someotherval


    update table

    set date = newdate

    where exists (select * from temp b where...

  • RE: a VIEW not working properly with WHERE clause

    What's the ddl from the original view.  Without that it's tough to give an opinion on your problem.


  • RE: Detach_Attach Db

    It just kicks everyone out of the database so you can issue your dettach/attach commands.  When you attach, you might have to bring the db online with the alter database...

  • RE: Blocking process in [sleeping] state with [SELECT] command

    What is the locking state in the sysprocesses table for that sid?  An active process can go into a sleeping state if it is waiting for resources like disk.


  • RE: shrink question

    Are you sure your backing up the log daily.  I came into a job where they had all databases in full recovery mode, yet were  only taking full backups.  The...

  • RE: changing the table reserved size

    How big is the server/database that this data is in.  That table is only 120mg worth of data, really not that much.  It seems you would be better off finding...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 334 total)