Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: A severe error occurred on the current command.

    I have found the cause of the error. The problem was that more memory was being used that what was available in the procedure cache of SQL. The reason why...

  • RE: Send string list as stored procedure parameter

    Thanx RBarryYoung, that's exactly what I was looking for. Must have been having a slow brain day when I popped the question.... 😉

  • RE: Calculations in Temporary Tables

    Here is the base table i'm working from plus some test data:

    USE [Test]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[ITR1] Script Date: 06/23/2008 17:03:06 ******/






  • RE: Calculations in Temporary Tables

    As stated earlier, my main aim is to retrieve the Amount Applied by each document to specific Invoices.

    The Applied amount should be calculated by asking the Dcoment being processed the...

  • RE: Create Temporary Tables Dynamically in cursor loop

    Hi Elmer,

    I'm also not an SQL legend by any standards but you might try the following:

    Select T.ID, max(T.Amount) as [MAX], min(T.Amount) as [Min],

    (Select Sum(TP1.Amount)/count(TP1.ID) from ITR1 TP1 where TP1.ID...

  • RE: Calculations in Temporary Tables

    Hi GSquared,

    Yes there is a Document Date as well as a "LineNum"

    (The Table makes use of a composite key existing out of ReconNum & LineID)

    But I still don't...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)