Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 151 total)

  • RE: When to use SQL Server cursors ?


    Thanks for the feedback!

    I am glad to hear that I am not "way off base" in my thinking... didn't think I was, but that's what this site is good for......

  • RE: int to time conversion

    What does the time integer represent? Is it 0 - 2359, where 1061 would never exist? 1000 - 2459? Is it the time converted to minutes (hour of day *...

  • RE: When to use SQL Server cursors ?

    I may be sticking my neck out a little far here... but I do use cursors a bit. I only use them for specific tasks, particularly when I need to...

  • RE: Execute Package Task

    I'll give it a try... though I am by no means an expert in SSIS.

    I believe that the easiest way to use relative paths is to wrap the path...

  • RE: help identifying changed records

    Can you try and clarify your goal? You don't have any XML, and based on what you are doing it is hard to tell both the end result and the...

  • RE: Job Scheduling

    I would recommend using something like


    instead of the varchar cast. This will perform much faster... search here for "Date Only" and you should find plenty of...

  • RE: Problem with Global Variables!!!!!

    You do not need to set all variables... only those that you need to set at run-time (as input parameters).

  • RE: Conditional Execution of SSIS Package

    I would do things a little differently then others have suggested. I would write two separate foreach loops, one to search for all xls files in the source directory and...

  • RE: Installed Enterprise edition over Express, but Management Studio is still of Express version

    You should be able to uninstall SQL Server Client Tools and then install them from the SQL Server Enterprise installation CD. See the help files from the install CD or...

  • RE: Name of tool for insert images in sql server

    The image can be "extracted" using a simple SELECT statement... the question is, extracted for what? Where is this image being used? I have a .Net web service that I...

  • RE: Generate script in same order in both the database.

    Just to give a different option: I did an "in-house" approach. I needed to compare our Dev SQL server to our production SQL Server, document any changes, and possibly reapply...

  • RE: Using Temperory tables in BI

    In my opinion, use what makes sense in your environment, just keep in mind that a local temp table (#tablename) is session based, whereas a global temp table (##tablename) is...

  • RE: Using Temperory tables in BI


    Sounds like a good use of temporary tables. I was not aware of that flag; good to know. The issue that I have ran into though is when my packages...

  • RE: Using Temperory tables in BI

    Just my opinion; I never use temp tables with BIDS. I prefer to create staging tables at run time, then remove them after the process has completed. If I am...

  • RE: reverse the table

    Just curious... why? If you have no limit to the number of columns, then any relative table you can create will not be useable, unless by another dynamically created object...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 151 total)