Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Creating Trees

    Here is an excellent article that tells you exactly how to do this:

    However, please note that this solution uses a loop. In SQL Server loops are only useful for small...

  • RE: Multi-Value parameters

    One small piece of advice. while loops, cursors and UDFs may perform poorly for large record counts because the query optimizer cannot treat them with set operations. If performance is a...

  • RE: Multi-Value parameters

    Hi Jon,

    You just need to parse the string in your stored procedure. For example:

    --Create a procedure and run it:

    CREATE PROCEDURE proc_test

     @p1 varchar(60)


    declare @var1 varchar(30),...

  • RE: Business Intelligence or Data Warehouse

    "Handling the metadata was the really big challenge for our DW. 250 trials, each with 30-40 distinct tables, adding a new trial a week, I had to develop a dynamic...

  • RE: Business Intelligence or Data Warehouse

    Yes, this indeed is an excellent, detailed overview look at data warehousing.

    However, as others have suggested here, the data warehousing concept would not exist except for its value to...

  • RE: Using OpenXML

    Very good, well orgainzed article with everything needed for simple XML queries.

    But it seems to me that responsible developers should avoid the temptation to use new technologies simply because of their...

  • RE: Outsourced = Laid Off?

    I just finished a year and a half stint with a large mortgage company and I have to tell you that the communication level there was the worst I have...

  • RE: What Would Keep You?

    I just finished a year and a half stint with a large mortgage company and I have to tell you that the communication level there was the worst I have...

  • RE: Null report parameter

    Though VB and VBA don't handle nulls, if you are using Access VBA the solution is pretty simple. Just prepend a 0 to the NULL and then check for 0...

  • RE: OPen error

    I'm not sure I understand the context of your connection (ASP, ASP/Net, etc.), but here is a MS KB article that may help:;EN-US;254517


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)