Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Problems Viewing Altered Cube

    Try Refresh in the IDE

  • RE: The Apprentice

    As a person who started of as an apprentice then went into Work Study the practical side gave me a better appreciation of the useability of software I developed when...

  • RE: Changing the Past

    should we consider using transactions tables in our databases so any errors can be amended with adjustments to transactions so all corrections can be followed as we do in account...

  • RE: The Low End

    I find that the low end software should only be used as a precursor to development to enable the development team to collect and collate the data and the users...

  • RE: Blackle

    I have found that as a developer staring at a screen for 7 or 8 hours at a time for the last 27 years that a black backgound for visual studio and...

  • RE: Populating Fact Tables

    Thank you for an interesting article on loading of fact tables. This is something I might be doing shortly.

  • RE: Date Function 4-4-5 Week Quarter

    Create a function to return the quarter based on the date input

  • RE: Date Function 4-4-5 Week Quarter

    Try the following

    select datepart(wk,'20060812')

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)